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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/392

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. C11. 243. 1924. 361 the United States. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated the—ryzg5°¤**¤¤i°¤ ¤¤· the sum of $5,000,000 for the purpose of paying such subscription. ' Sec. 3. (a) Until otherwise directed by Congress, the corporation t Ovsrstiss of water shall continue the operation of the transportation and terminal fa- 1i?lss£»°;tm;rti,°grili°v`iif$ cilities now being operated by or under the direction of the Secre- ”°V§{f*§§‘°,T§g_ tary of War, un er section 201 of the Transportation Act, 1920, as ' amended, and shall, as soon as there is an improved channel suiiicient to plermit the same, initiate the water carria e heretofore au- ,,,?,"‘{§’ ° °° thorized y law upon the Mississippi River above §aint Louis. (b) If the Secretary of War deems it advisable to discontinue the ,,,E§§§°§‘,f,‘,‘§‘§*',g,%,fQ{,’§; operation of any part of the transportation or terminal facilities, m°;¤ ¤¤¤sr¤ssi¤¤¤\ or to develop and operate new lines, in order to give the public the ' proper service, he s all report thereon to Congress. The operation of any of such facilities shall not be discontinued and new lines shall not be developed or operated until authorized by Congress. (c) The operation of the transportation and terminal facilities i,,{,E§§§°° §,'§%§,§§ imder this Act shall be subject to the provisions of the Interstate 1¤§;§){·¤§},S¤*r;r;_;,¤¤A¢¢· Commerce Act, as amended, and to the provisions of the Shipping ’p' ‘ Act, 1916, as amended, in the same manner and to the same extent as if such facilities were privately owned and operated; and all p,§§‘,§§“'§, Qzfchgg vessels of the corporation operated and employed solely as merchant vssssisvessels shall be subject to all other laws, regulations, and liabilities governing merchant vessels. Sm. 4. (a) The Secretary of War shall appoint an Advisory Qgi,'f,“,,,’,{n2,{}'f",§;,a1,_ Board of six members (hereinafter referred to as the " board ") ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤» stsfrom individuals prominentl identified with commercial or business interests in territo adjacent to the operations of the corporation. No member olfythe board shall be an officer, director, or employee of, or substantially interested in, any railroad corporation. Two of uch members shall continue in office for terms of one year, ,,,,'éL°"”“ °‘ “”* "‘“°‘ and the remainipigffour fordterm? of two, three,hfour, an? fivle years, res five , om the ate 0 a intment, the term 0 eac to be_ desilgiicated by the Secreta of Each successor shall be S°°°°“°”' °°°‘ alppointed by the Secretary of %ar for a term of five years from t e date of the expiration of the term of the member whom he succeeds, except that any successor appointed to iill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall be a pointed only for the unex ired term of the member whom he succeedg. A vacancy in the boardp shall not impair the powers of the remaining members to execute the functions of the board. (b) The members shall receive no salary for their services on the ;°”l°"f°':;""(i‘;°;I°‘ board but, under re lations and in amounts prescribed by the Seo- mwli:;i°$w.ini§wmi retary of War, mayb; paid by the corporation a reasonable per diem compensation for attending meetings of the board and or time spent on special service of the corporation, and their traveling expenses to and from such meetings, or when assigned to such special service. C, i (c) In addition to the six members, the Secretary of War shall _ .1ppoint:mentoicivi!· appoint an individual from civil life, or (notwithstanding section ‘(,‘§;,,§,.',,?“" °“""’ 1222 of the Revised Statutes or any other provision of law, or any R.S·,sc<=-12‘¤,¤·215- rules or regulations issued thereunder) detail an officer from the Military Establishment of the United States, as chairman of the Rm I board. Any officer so detailed shall, during his term of office as aaa¤sa’s!£{}.°°°"° chairman, have the rank, pay, and allowances of a brigadier general, United States Army, and shall be exempt from the operation of any . provision of law, or any rules or regulations issued thereunder, which limits the length of such detail or compels him to perform Pa br mmm duty with troops. Any individual appointed from civil life shall, Y during his term of office as chairman, receive a salary not to exceed H I wdunl . $10,000 a year to be fixed by the Secretary of War. The Secretary