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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/396

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 244. 1924. 365 in kind, they were receiving at the time of such injuries, imtil they _ are fit for transportation to their homes, and upon termination of h,,£{,{’°“’°'°“°‘°“ such medical an hospital treatment shall be entitled to transportation to their homes at Government expense. Officers, warrant oiii- j,1,L*i,i1S°{'f,“§,‘1,°°§,,,,$§’§,,_ i“' cers, and enlisted men of the National Guard injured in line of duty when participating in aerial iii hts prescribed under the provisions of section 92 of said National Igefense Act as amended shall, under V<>1-39.1>·206- regulations prescribed as aforesaid, be entitled from the date such injury was sustained to the same medical and hospital treatment at Government expense, pay and allowances, and transportation to their homes, as if such injury had occurred while in line of duty at encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises under aforementioned V°‘· 3°• *’· “°“· section 94 of the National Defense Act. And members of the oiii- ,,,1f,“‘“§,§’,°g,‘§,§‘ m cers’ reserve corps and enlisted reserve corps—injured while volun- gggrrgswmd i¤ ¤¤¤¤1 tarily participating in aerial flights in Government·owned aircraft ' by dproper authority as an incident to their military trainin , shall, un er regulations prescribed as aforesaid, be entitled, from 5ie date such injury was sustained, to the same medical and hospital treatment at Government expense, pay and allowances, and transportation to their homes, as if such injury had occurred while on active ummm nmmmk duty under proper orders. Any person hereinbefore described, in- mg in nospam mijured as aforesaid, who shall remain disabled for more than six °°"”°"""‘ months, shall, during the period of disability in excess of six months and until lit for transportation to his home, be entitled to medical_ and hospital treatment and to subsistence at Government expense, and when lit for transportation shall be entitled to transportation to No om, mmm his home at Government expense, but shall not during such period uourizivm. I in excess of six months be entitled to other compensation Any ex- ..¥;..:.·:..12·=¤···*·*· °" penditures heretofore made by the Government in caring for persons injured under the conditions specihed herein are here y va 'dated. Auowmm to M Members of the reserve officers training corps and members of the serve: omcerg d'1f;i¤;=_i civilian military training camps injured in line of duty while at mz¢»is¤¤g°smi·¤ima¤ m- camps of instruction under the provisions of sections 47a and 47d of “'“°*‘°“ °°'“¥’“· said National Defense Act, as amended, shall be entitled to medical v°1‘“· ”" m' "°‘ and hospital treatment and transportation to their homes as in the case of persons hereinbefore described, and subsistence at Government expense until furnished such transportation, under such regulations as the President may prescribe. f the death of any person ,.,§,“,.{,‘i,‘,§{,,,";“’,,§°,,,,f,',§,?l mentioned herein occurs while he is undergoing the trainintg or medi- ¤¤ ¤••• ¤¤ ¢••¤¤· cal and hogpital treatment contemplated in t is section, e United States sha pay for burial expenses and the return of the body to his home a sum not to exceed $100, as may be fixed in regulations prescribed by the President." _ Nmmm Gum, Sec. 5. Under such regulations as may ¤e£rescr1bed by the_Sec— Em: me cams. retary of War, pro rty and disbursing officers of the National ,m,°§‘_$,‘{§y ‘{‘:’°,§§; Guard accountable fil; public moneys may intrust money to other cmmmmmwmm oiicers of the National éuard for the puigose of having them make I mu ty M disbursements as their agents, and the officers to whom the monpg men. is intrusted, as well as the officer intrusting the same to him, sh be held pecuniarily responsible therefor to the United States, and the agent officer shall be subject for his official misconduct to all the liabilities and penalties prescribed by law in like cases for the omcer for whom he acts as agent. Bmw mm ,,¤, Sec. 6. Enlisted men of the sixth and seventh grades of the Na- sltional Guard holding specialists’ rating under the provisions of the °°’ National Defense Act, as amended, all, in addition to the pay v°,_,,_p_¤_ perovided in section 14 of the Pay Readjustment Act of June 10, 1922, entitled to one·thirtieth of the specialists’£:.y provided in section 9 of said Pay Readjustment Act for each y of on in exercises provided for by sections 94, 97, and 99, ati Defense '°‘ "· W ’°’· ‘°"