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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/397

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366 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 244, 249. 1924.

  • "°°‘*°· Act, as amended: Provided That ayments heretofore made to en-
em listed men of the sixth and seventlli grades of the National Guard

holding specia1ists’ ratings of one-thirtieth of the specialists gay provided m section 9 of said Pay Readjustment Act for each ay . spent in participating in exercises or performing the duties provided for by sections 94, 9 , 99 and 110 of the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended, be, and the same are hereby, validated. §'.',F,';}:,§,_,,°m°,§f* M Sec. 7. That payments made to warrant officers of the National gsé.ji¤¤£;¤v6¤:t¤;tf°·;1v2$» Guard, under the provisions of section 14 of the Pay Readjustment imhmama. ’ Act of June 10, 1922, for the performance of their duties during the V°'· "·l’·°“’· be v:;thi:l;;31stb‘;dayp1ft.{luly, 1922, anld enlding gith the _ ay o cto r, , an e same are ere , v `dated, notwithstandingethe nonexistence during said period oly regulations authorized to _ prescribed by said section, and warrant officers who duru% said period performed the duties prescribed by the Sec— retary of ar in iiarszgraph 928 (b) of National Guard Regulations, 1922 as amended y anges numbered 9 to such regulations, dated October 30, 1923, and who have not been (paid therefor, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of said regulations. ,mP:£¥t:i¢*;,_h':§€‘•r*;,s° Sec. That payments heretoforemade to captains, lieutenants, §¤red!p•·¤¤1r¤•rt¤f and enlisted men belonging to organizations of the National Guard °"°'”"°°"‘ for attendance at drills regularly ordered for only a subdivision or pzart of an orgamzation, under the author1t·)y; of any provision of the _ ational Guard_ regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War and in effect at the time Slld drills were held, be, and the same are hereby, validated and such captains, lieutenants, and enlisted men who gave lhggetoftcige partlclpated in drills held under the conditions _ beescrrd _ in s gectmn and who havenot been paid therefor, shall pai m accor ance with the provisions of said National Guard Regulations in eifect at the time said drills were held. Approved, June 3, 1924.

 CHAP. 249.-—·An Act Authorizing the Wichita and atliliated bands of Indians

lP“b"°· N°· md in Oklahoma to submit claims to the Court of Claims. .0 i _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentative u1§¤é,lh%3,°t°;’ I; United States of America in Con was aaagmblgd, That all gctfliig, ,,,,,,u,°";‘_§°’C§’,,;,,’“,, of whatsoever nature which the %Vichita and aililiated bands of exams. Indians in Oklahoma ma have a ainst the United States may be submitted to the Court ofy Claims for determination of the amount, 1f any, due sa1d_ tribes or bands of Indians from the United States · under any treaties, agreements, or l&WS_0f Congress, or for the misappropriation of any of the funds of said tribes or bands, or for the wwwa md W fm ure of the United States to ps? said tribes or bands any mane S pea!. or other property due; and Jun iction is hereby conferred on the Court of Claims, with the right of either party to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United tates, to hear and determine as right an justice may require and upon a full and fair arbitration all le l `zgldtséluégaple claénis, lft;1.ny,d0f Sakdtgflbés Or bands against as au 0,, ni aes,an oen r]u vmen ereon, m€t,,i,§,°? ““'“°°“°" t Sl1;cil2. Llgiatdif apyxtclaiim or? claims be submitted_to said court., 1 s a se e e rig s thereui, both legal and eguitable, of each and all the parties thereto, notwithstanding lapse o time or statutes Omw em of limitation, and_ any payment Wl1lCl1 may have been made upon · any claim so submitted shall not be pleaded as an estoppel, but may be pleaded as an offset in such suits or actions. and the United States shall allowed credit for all sums including gratuities heretofore paid or expended for the benefit of said tribes or an band thereof. y