SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 250. 1924. 369 CLASS 8.——P1zIN0I;PAns or JUNIOR HIGH ScH00ns. A basic salary of $3,500 per year, with an armual increase in salary p8{Shh‘°" high p"h°" of $100 for five years, or until a maximum salary of $4,000 per year is reached. CnAss 9.-PRINCIPALS or SENIOR Hier; AND N01zMAL Sermons. A basic salary of $4,000 per year, with an annual increase in salary m§l¤¤i°* high ¤¤d ¤¤*· of $100 for five years, or until a maximum salary of $4,500 per year ` is reached. — CLASS 10.—DnzEc·r0ns or SPECIAL SUBJECTS AND DEPARTMENTS. A basic salary of $3 200 per year with an annual increase in salary U*’°°*°** °' S¤°°i°§ of $100 gr three years, or until a maximum salary of $3,500 per year iniigiiiiis and dum is reach . CLAss 11.—HEADs or DEPARTMIENTS AND ASSISTANT PRINGJIALS. A basic salary of $3,200 per year, with an annual increase in salary m§,°,;‘h‘,m§‘ ,,S‘§,Q’§,§,‘g of $100 foghlive years, or until a maximum salary of $3,700 per vri¤¤¤v·¤¤- year is rea ed. CLASS 12.—SUPERv1sINe PnINcrPALs. A basic salary of $4,000 per year, with an annual increase in salary p,§’Q*’°"'“lh* h’h"h‘ pf $100 for five years, or until a maximum salary of $4,500 per year IS reached. COMMUNI·rr CENTER DEPARTMENT. d,€§,,h‘,‘,§‘,§§,‘{h’ °°h‘°' A. DmEcT0x. A basic salary of $3,200 per year, with an annual increase in salary m`°°t°r' of $100 for three years, or unti a maximum salary of $3,500 per year is reached. B. GENERAL sEcmrrAm1:s. A basic salary of $1,400 per year, with an annual increase in salary °°°°'°l °°°"°°"°°' of $100 for eight years, or until a maximum salary of $2,200 per year is reached. c. coiuutmrrr SEGRETARIES. A basic salary of $1,400 per year, with an annual increase in salary dgémma °`°°r°°°' of $100 for three years, or until a maximum salary of $1,700 per year is reached. DEPARTMENT or Sczroor. ATTENDANCE AND Worm Pmunrs. ¤¤i1°ii»·°$§1¤ peixiixtigmm A. DIRECTOR. A basic salary of $3,200 per year, with an annual increase in salary Dm"' of $100 for three years, or until a maximum salary of $3,500 per year is reached. B. crrmr ATIENDANCE orrrcrms. A basic salary of $2 100 per ear with an annual increase in salary °hi'""'“°°"”° °m` of $100 {Sor four years; or a salary of $2,500 per year ws is reach
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