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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/399

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368 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 250. 1924. the board of education for teachers in ]}lunior high schools shall be paid in accordance with the following sc edules: _ G’°“"A Group A.;1A bas? §alaryé of $€;600 per year, with an annual increase in ary 0 100 or eig t years or unti a maximum G B salary of $2,400 per year is reached. , mp Group B.—A basic salary of $2,500 per year, with an annual inizreasefigg gaolary of $100 for years, or until a maximum sa ary 0 , er year IS reac . °""“"°' °“‘“‘“‘”· A teacher in the Lunior high school who pssssssss the siigibimiy requirements of teac ers in the senior high and normal schoo s shall Gm O be (paid in accordance with the following schedules: P roup C.—A basic salary of $1,800 per year, with an annual ir;c$r;ase in salary of $10%eg>r ten years, or until a maximum salary 0 800 er year is reac . Gt°°°D' Grbup 1l).——A basic salary of $2,900 per year, with an annual increase in salary of $100 for three years, or until a maximum salary of $3,200 per year is reached. msnslmr mh md mr Cues 3.—Tmcm·ms nv Smmorz Hrorr Arm Norman Scuoons. OMDL _ Group_A.—A basic salary of $1,800 per year, with an annual increase m salary of $100 for ten years, or until a maximum salary cmp], of $2,800 per year rs reached. ` Group B.—;lA bas? galaryf of $2,900 per year, with an annual increase in ary 0 100 or three ears or until m imum salary of $3,200 per year is reached. y ’ 3 ax mi Cmss 4.—SCHOOL Lmxannms. Own" Group A.—A basic salary of $1,400 per year, with an annual increase in salary of $100 for eight years, or until a maximum G B salary of $2,200 rger year is reached. rm Group _B.—A asic salary of $2,300 per year, with an annual increase m salary of $100 for three years, or until a maximum salary of $2,600 per year rs reached. suiéirlgeuiigvmontiggmlnd ARTICLE II.—SALARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPERVISORY OFFICERS. T I °°“°°i°°ls` Crass 5.—TmAcn1Nc Pnmcrrars wrrrr mom Form ·r·0 Snvmw R.0OMS.——PRINCIPALS or Ermmmanr Scrroors. mvgstil hm °° s°v°° A basic salary of $2,300 per year, with an annual increase in salary of $100 for three years, or unti a maximum salary of $2,600 per year is reached. h Cmss 6.--r.l.`E.ACh.ING Pmucmrgs mm mrou Erorrr 1*0 Frrmnx coms. mvg? MEM °° m°°° A basic salary of $2,500 per year, with an annual increase in salary of $100 for three years, or unti a maximum salary of $2,800 per year rs reached. Crass 7.—AnmmsraAmva Pmrwcrmrs wrrrr Srx·rm:N Rooms on _ Lgm Pnmcrrarls or VOCATIONAL Amy Armnrcamzynon s¤$.is,s{s, °°°iv° prim A basic salary of $2,900 per year, with an annual increase in salary . of $100 for three years, or until a maximum salary of $3,200 per ~ year is reached.