six·rY-r:1GrrrH coivennss. sm. 1. cs. zso. 1924. 371 other employees hereafter appointed to the salary classes and positions in the foregoing salary schedule in accordance with previous experience, eligibility qualifications possessed, and the character of the duties to be performed by such persons: Provided. ?,°§"°'g—w p.-Obs. That the first year of service of any newly appointed teacher, school **°¤°'Y· officer, or other employees shall be probationary: And provided Longevity from wrfurthev, That such teacher, school officer, or other employee shall m°°°°°°°°°i°°m°°°` receive his first longevity increase on the date of his permanent appointment. ARTICLE IV.—METHOD OF ASSIGNLIENT OF EM- siggfgg °‘“°‘“” “‘ PLOYEES TO SALARIES. ' Sec. 4. That for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, every §"°" p°'§*“}f,‘§,§ °§‘,' teacher, school officer, or other employee in the service of the Board Mm 0 ' of Education on permanent tenure on June 30, 1924, shall receive the salary provided in the foregoing schedule for his class or position in accordance with the following rules: ,1, h of former (a) Teachers who are assigned to Group C of class 2 or Group A amf; class s, reof class 3 and who on June 30, 1924, are receiving either the basic ‘,§i,,'_,},“§,,]',§$§’Q§_°’ mu" salary or the maximum sala of Group A of class 6 under the Act of June 20, 1906, as amendeld; shall receive a salary in Group C of class 2 or Group A of class 3 which is next above their present compensations, and in addition shall receive one annual increase m salary of $100 as provided in the foregoing schedule. (bf) Teachers who are assigned to Group C of class 2, or Group m§*xi’;’*¤Y_}P‘,n§°*§;°;'; A 0 class 3, and who on Jime 30, 1924, are receiving salaries in www- Group A of class 6 nmder the Act of June 20, 1906, as amended, which are between the basic salaries and the maximum salaries of said Group A of class 6, shall receive a salary in Group C of class 2 or Group A of class 3 which is next above their present compensations and in addition shall receive two annual increases of salary of $100 each as provided in the foregoing schedule. _ (cg All other teachers and school librarians assigned to Group A ,i,,",,,,°"f’,§,?,?,,’§‘,,,('i'{j1.;}}‘,§{,"{Q of the salary classes in the foregoing schedule shall receive the A- salary in the classes to which assigned which is next above their present compensations and in addition shall receive one annual increase of salary of $100 as rovided in the foregoinii schedule. (d) All other teachers, school) officers, and employees s all receive °¤§*c§”°;§§',u§f,,°§l$j the salaries provided in the foregoing schedule for their respective ' salary classes or positions which are next above their present com- www pensations: Provided, That under the provisions of this section rmme' compassthe present compensation of any teacher, school officer, or other em- "°“°°"““"°"· ployee shall be construed to include basic salary, longevity allowance, session-room allowance, and increase of compensation (bonus) : Provided further, That teachers and other employees asssigned to m§1°,’;§°""Y *"“°°‘ classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the foregoing schedule shall be entitled to longevity placement as provided in section 6: Provided further, _ _ _ That the salaries assigned to teachers, school officers, and other em- ¤e‘?,SZ'F§§fiaSsa°l"pa'°y°;Z’} ployees in accordance with this section shall be in lieu of the compen- "$°°‘ Y°“"1°25· sation to which said teachers, school officers, and other employees may be entitled during the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1925, as provided by the Act of June 20, 1906, as amended: And provided _ further, That no teacher, school omcer, or other employee shall in b§;§d,j°c’:g,:°°“°‘”“ "° any event receive less during the year ending June 30, 1925, than his c total complelnsation as of June 30, 1924. P 1 . mmm Sec. 5. at every teacher, school officer or other employee in the mpmyses im June sn, service of the Board of Education on probationary tenure on June ‘”‘· 30, 1924, shall receive the minimum salary of his salary class or position in the foregoing schedule during the remainder of his year
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