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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/403

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372 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 250. 1924. of grobation, and shall receive his first longevity increase on the date my pm of is pjrmanent appointment: Pegvided, éfhat for the fiscal lyear crm June ao, ms. ending une 30 1925 and therea er said probationary teac ers imd other eimplzmyees clasgecsi 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be entitled td _ ongevity p acement as provi in section 6. p1§yi°L?1i¤m£wi& xiii; Sec. 6. That teachers, school oiioers, and other emgloyees in the

  • · ‘”2*· stgrvrciaa of tl}; Boarddof Education; pl? iuly 1,_1924,hsh5 lbe pgaizpd in

esa ryc sses an POSICIODSO e oregomgsc e u eas o ows: etgwmed *~¤¢¤¤¤¤· (a) From kindergarten assistanti class 1; kindergarten principals, class 3; model teachers of. k1n ergartens, class 4; teachers of first and second grades, class 2; teachers of third and fourth grades, class 3; ·teachers of fifth, sixth, and seventh giggles, class 4; teachers gfagggthtgrages, clsgss 5; mgldeilrgeachersénf _ andhsecorid grades, _ · ac ers o manu m1 rawrng p ysica cu ure music, domestic science, and domes]ti§ art 111 the graded schools; classes 3 and 4; assrstants to the directors of primary instruction classes 4 and 5; vocational trade instructors, class 5; and teachers 0% Amerégznrzatrpn worg, class g, urger the Act of June 20, 1906, as amen to c ass 1 roup of e foregoing schedule. ,,,§ j (hl Fiom head teachers and teachers of normal, llrxigh, and manualetc- training high schools, class 6, Group A;_and te ers of manual 3€f’£,’f2§& ,‘L"5Y‘$.i;% JZ}?-l'§§i“i,i°`i.“`§§°& L’.?,“,$“§;i‘Z°"’°?I£° §"‘¥,“"°i, mid — ram 1 sc oo s class 6, Group A, under the ici: of June 20, 1906, gs aiiiended, td class 3, Grgértp A, of the foregoing schedule, except as herein otherwise provi . ,,m.P',,‘;{§}‘;f°‘ ‘°' ’“"°‘ (c) From teachers of normal, high, and manual-training high schools, promoted for superior work, clam 6, Gm? B, under the Act ofhgdnmp 20, 1906, as amended, to class 3, Group , of the foregoing _ _ _ sc u e. ,0f‘;§Q§f,,§‘§}‘,: ,‘§,",§§,§‘f (d) From teachers in junior high schools, possessing the eligibility requirements of teachers of elementary schools, classes 3, 4, and 5 pkndgr the Act oi {1 uric 20, 1906, as amended, to class 2, Group A, of or e oregomgsc e u e. _ _ _ m§H°m° { mm (e) From teachers in junior high schools possessing the, Ohgjbjlity requirements of teachers of semor high schools, class 6, Grou A plndgr the Act ofl ilurie 20, 1906, as amended, to class 2, Group 8, of i r e oregoinv sc e u e. Lb"i"'“‘ (f)d]3rotng¤l;brar;ar€s, classA5, grlderfthe Act of Sangre 20, 1906, 88 amen e , c ass _, rroup _ , 0 ie oregom sc 1 .

 °*i°`m ct.? gH3m4tmd1£ng %"“‘3¥’°li €”i¥hJ{T°“§c¥‘i‘§B6‘°uS:"°” "’°“‘“’

mms. es , an nun er e co une with wt to mm] clags)5 the,forelgoing schedulp. ’ ’ PS amended, to _ rom teac ing principa s with from eight t fift mms classcg 2% {E14, pnd 5,_undeit§e]Act of June 205906;) as asdélndgdjxii __ _ c ass o e oregomgsc e u_e. _ ci;g:¤;1c¤?¤‘¤¤V°P'l¤' I (1) 5Fmm adnainigtratige princqiails yvith Sixgeen or more rooms, c ass ; prmcipa s o <rra_e manua — raining sc l 6 G A; and principal of Aiiiericanization work ri’nder(tl)1l§71£c:tSdf .l'unle021(l) Junior mh prmi 1906, as amended, to class? of the_ foregoing schedule. ° pm 2O(%0€`rom primiipialis ofljungir ichoo s undelr the Act of J unc `_m,°r_ _ , .asamenre,ocass_o e oregom ]_ m;;p,;,,£$f°d °°r (k) From principals of senior high and noriguil sihldoils under the Act of June 20, 1906, as amended, to class 9 of the foregoing Directorstand assist- Sch(idu%€` . . _ _ _ mdmms. _( ) rom directors of drawing, physical culture, music, domestic science, domestic art, kindergartens, and primary instruction: assistant directors of drawing, physical culture. music, domestic science, domestic art, kindergartens, and primary instruction; and ass1stant supervisor of manual training under the Act of June 20 1906, as amended, to class 10 of the foregoing schedule. i