378 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 253. 1924. mlggujleyvglfw mm a lien upon the rents and profits accruing from the tract on which such improgements may be located until the purchase price thereof is full ai . m:Ed‘g“Q'nd“,*§°§,,‘,§§,?‘ °' SECYS? That the lands and money of said band_ shall be allotted and divided among the members thereof so as to give each an eepial share of the whole in value, as nearly as may be, and to accomp ish that the value of the standard allotment share shall be determined by dividing the total appraised value of all allotted and allottable lands by the total number of enrolled members. w;}g§‘”°m°¤° °'°“*°" If any member shall fail to receive his full share of the tribal lands, he shall be entitled to the payment of mone so as to adjust the difference as nearly as ossible. If any member shall receive an allotment exceeding in valhe his full share of the tribal lands, the d%if1irencebsagia>?llmb(;uSad]usted by deduction from his distributive share o the tri . me—';¥g“°°“¤¤“*•“°° Sec. 9. That when the tracts available for allotments are ascer- ` tained, each member of the said band may appl for a tract or · tracts of land to the extent of thirty acres, as nearly as practicable, to include his home and improvements, if he so desires, and the E“°°‘°"°l°°°°"· selection so made shall be final as to the right to occu y and use the land so_appl1ed for as against all other members ifp no contest IS filed against such selection within ninety days from and after SQ,'T,Qc",‘,T,§;,l,,,,,,,,,l,,, formal application is made therefor: Provided, That any person ·¤¤fi=¤v¤¤·*¤¤¤¤~ claiming the right to select any given tract of land by reason of the purchase of improvements thereon shall have ninety days to make aplphcation therefor from and after the date of approval of any sa e conveyin to him said improvements, and such application shall become gial as in other cases, subject to the right of any other Comm member to contest such selection, ninety days from and after the ` same is duly made. All contests shall be instituted and heard pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Interior Department applim{g°gj§1k,§’gv§;°té‘;°g;’, cable thereto. Any allotment selection may be modified or limited, selector. in the discretion of those in charge of the work, so as to give the selectop of adjacent or contiguous lands access to firewood and drinkin wa er. 5°]°°“°”s by °d°m‘ gm. 10. That adults may select their own allotments, where mentally capable of so doing, but allotments for minors ma be selected Fmumrnmwnwmd by their father or mother, in the order named, or by tile officers in ,5,,,,% charge of the allotment work. The said officers may also Select allotments for prisoners, convicts, aged, infirm, and insane or otherwise mentally incompetent members and for the estates of deceased members and, if necessary to complete any allotments or to brin the allotment work to a close, ma * make arbitrary selections for and Fomgummdsm on behalf of any member of said band. famujgg allowed, Sec. 11- That allotments may be selected for the members of any family, wherever practicable, from conti nous lands or other lands held by the head of the family, includingicluoth adult and minor chil- PWM dren and such other relatives as are members of the household: t_Lirpitar(l‘¤¤it0gH?i¢l¢<> P7'0Qv?d¢’d> That if NIV adlllll child shall claim the benefit Of this ‘°“ > 8 “ ° · section, he shall not be entitled as a matter of right to have his selection made from the lands desired by his father or mother or ' from lands needed by any minor member of the family for allotment purposes, but this shall not prevent selection of lands outside Disttibuti ndpe mp. mg family lgldéngilf desired, it:3 {0 enrullle iingm- EC' "" la W ere annuity or Oth€]Q` payments to indiYid[]a1S §>¤n§{lnagera§!¤:1spe(§r<ltle;<; ltiave heretofore been suspended because their enrollment status has Slggleuw have been 6611 qll€Stlp¤€d, tl1B_ amounts mvolved in such suspended payments · shall be paid to individuals found entitled to enrollment or rb their he1rs, and all funds of said band. after making such payments and after payments needed for equalizing allotments as hereinbefore provided and all other payments herein directed to be made, shall
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