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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/408

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SIXTY -EIGHTH CONGRESS. S1ass.I. C11. 253. 1924. 377 A plications for enrollment ma be resented in such manner ¥’°'%’i°°’°*i°¤ 0* Mr and Iivithin such time as may be prbscribgd by regulations made by iiigiiltlom M °m°u` the Secretary of the Interior, but lack of application shall not revent consideration of the right to enrollment of any person wllfose name appears on any former roll and his descendants or of any name brought in any manner to the attention of those in charge of the enrollment work, including the names of those persons of Cherokee Indian blood livin July 27, 1868, in any of the counties of North Carolina, in which the common lands of said band are located, or in any of the contiguous counties of that State or of the States of Georgia and Tennessee, and of their descendants. Sum Hands d Sec. 4. That the lands so conveyed shall be surveyed, where found aivaaouyiiiemz. °° necessary, and divided into appropriate tracts or parcels and appraised at their true value as of the date of such appraisement, without consideration being given to the location thereof or to any mineral deposits therein or to improvements thereon, but such a - ' pragsement shall include all merchantable timber on all allottablle an s. . Sec. 5. That reservations from allotment may be made, in the poiiiéiudlgiigrlilicihcrilliii discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, of lands for cemeteries, “"°“”°“" schools, water-power sites, rights of way, and for other public purposes, with proper safeguards, however, for compensation to individuals who may suffer losses by reason of such reservations. Timur md There may also be reserved any tract chiefly valuable because msmum. qw of the timber or of stone, marble, or other quarries thereon, or which by reason of location or topographical features may be unsuitable for allotment purposes. · Sm of mmm Any land or other propert reserved from allotment as above mam provided and lands not neededl for allotments may be sold at such ‘ time, in such manner, and upon such terms as the Secretary may direct, and the proceeds of such sale shall be added to the funds of Pmm the band: Pmmded, That in the sale of timberlands the timber and Timberland;. the land may be sold se arately. ccnwmm Conveyances under sudh sales shall be made as provided in the ` case of conveyances to allottees. 0,, em mmm, dg Src. 6. That all oil, gas, coal, and other mineral deposits on said Rossi reserved no the lands are hereb reserved to said band for a lperiod of twenty-five an ‘ years from the gate of this Act, and during suc period said deposits mm may be leased for prospecting and mining purposes by the Secretary of the Interior, for suc periods (not excee ing the period for whic such minerals are reserved; and upon such terms and conditions as _ he may prescribe: Provide , That at the end of such twenty-five year D1',°°,,,;"°;, me, tm,. period all such deposits shall become the property of the individual ;>;$;$°{__°;;j_°”° ¤'°¤>· owner of the surface of such land, unless Congress shall otherwise vmvids- . A .. am.; Sec. 7. That all improvements on the lands of said band of a ,,H,’§p,,,v,m'{,'{,,,,, ‘ permanent and substantial character shall be appraised separately from the lands upon which the same may be, an shall be isted in the names of the members of the band prima facie entitled thereto, but the designation of ownership shall be tentative only imtil the true ownership thereof is ascertained and declared, after due notice D, etc W and hearing. The right to have such improvements apperaised, and mma. ’ " to make disposition thereof, shall extend to all mem rs, except tenants, owmn such improvements at the date of this Act. D , u b on Any person ield to be the owner of improvements may remove e. Y the same, where found to be practicable, within ninety days from the date they are declared to belong to him, or may, within that period, dispose of the same at not more than the appraised value to any member of the band entitled to receive an a otment, under regulations to be prescribed: Provided, That the vendor shall have ”°'°°“