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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/411

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380 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 253. 1924. D¤¤”“>¤“°¤ *¤ °¤ Sec. 17. That if an member enrolled as rovided in this Act Zl»¤°:°Q§$¤§v?¤?¢ggmi°?.¤iZ shall die before receivirlg his distributive sharepof the band or tribal property, the land and moneys to which he would be entitled, if livmg, shall descend to his heirs according to the laws of the State of North Carolma and be distributed to them accord1ngly, but m all such cases the allotment and deed therefor shall be made in the name of the deceased ancestor and shall be given the same force and

 0;, by effect as if made during his lifetime: Provided, That the provisions of

gcgeun ¤! the I¤¤> the ASQ!/3f Congresg s:ppr0gledAIu€1ef2&1910 (Tl;iri_tyl;SiXth ggtpsgg page ,asamene y e co ngresso erua , (Thirty-seventh Statutes, page 678), relating to the detbyrmination of heirs and approval of wills bg the Secretary of the Interior, and Yo R M_ to other matters, are hereby ma e applicable to the persons and estwieeruutzlczteduuust tates of the members of the said band, and in the construction of '“°’· °°° said Acts no distinction shall be made between restricted lands and was mm mrgnscys gndrtlhosia conveyeid cgslleild indtrusg. . 1 . at eases o an otte un er this Act may be made during the restricted period for any ur ose and for an term of ygatrls, llI;1l(tl:l; rule; a1:gd ions t1c;§e plf·es<;1ribed by theySecretary Ama. o e r1or: ro a c - _,,‘_§“,,,,,,,*°*;‘{,§,‘,gf,,g,'§*”““ half of minors and other ihcomt Stlhn Bisnizeixdidg sal:y6l¥1?di}§.i’idd(dle1ml{:d . to be incapable, mentally or éieysicgly, of managing his business affairs properly and with bene t to himself and in their names, by a O, tm H W authorized representative of the_ Indian Service designated by nas. said Secretary for the pu1‘p;se:Pr0wded further, That all leases of ggartrgone estates shall fx made taepiprlgved uralesls all of the ian 81I'S or owners 81‘B_0 eunrestrrc c ss, an s allbe sub. ject to supervision durin the restricted riod the same as leases ,,,,’§,§°"””"°"" made on other restricted lands, but all rest; and royalties accruing tléerlefrpmdito uéirestrictail owlners shall be paid, by the proper officers o the n an ervrce, suc owners at the earhest ate practicable after the collection thereof. m;$E°°$ t.°i»r¤°i»°}°u£ Parents may use the lands allotted to their children and receive "‘°“P · . _ the rents and profits arising therefrom during the minority of such mmm massa. children: Provided, That this privilege mi; be revoked by the Com- QDISSIORET of Indian Aii’§1riat gray ({1mB vg (::1aid lands are restricted . n . or suc cause as ma 1m eeme _ =¤§:;0lgi‘wt€w¤;*;E1g3¤ Sec. 19. That land; allotted under this get shldll iilbilsitligndlienable Y either by voluntary_or enforced sale by the allottee or his heirs 01: otherwise, for a per1od_of twenty-five years from and after the date P,,,,,_,,,,_ _ when the deed conveying such land to the allottee is recorded as 0¤C;;0*?;jgg*¢¤0g¤&•g;gs{d directed herein: Progzidcd, That u(pon the completion of the allotments and the recording of the dee s as herein directed each allottee shall become a citizen of the United States and a citizen of the par- Emm mmm, 0, ticnlar State wherem he (or she; may reside, with all the rights restrictiouin discretion privileges, and immunities of suc _ Githenst Prwided further, §`hall ° S°°'“°“"‘ the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, at an time after a deed IS, recorded remove the restrictions on the land; described therem, either with or without applicatiouby the owner or owners, under incl} rulgs }and_regulations or specia orders governing the Ammem mumble terms o sa e an the disposition of the proceeds as he shall prescribe. ,0 2,% (;l)3i1$;Bs{)r?;§0;0 Src. 29. That lands a lotted under t 1s_Act shall not be sub]ected '°{§¤y ammpm mm; or held liable to any form of personal claim, or demand, against the ggiggf. em. will md allottee, arising or existing prior to the removal of restrictions; and any attempted alienation or incumbrance of restricted land b deed, rnortgage, contract to sell, power of attorney, or other method of mcumbermv real estate, except leases specifically authorized by law, made before or after the approval of this Act and prior to removal of restrictions therefrom, shall be absolutely null and void.