SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 253. 1924. 381 _ Sec. 21. That all lands, and other ro ert of the band or the P’°P°"Y· 9** * members thereof, excespt funds held tzpust yliy the United, States, iiiildiiioriliiiyclgi may be taxed by the tate of North Carolina, to and including the °1'{,’;‘ wt tax year following the date of this Act. Such taxes shall be paid Ym ` from the common funds of said band for such period, except u on such tracts as shall have been lawfully sold prior to the date wlien Am,,m,,,,_, on ,,°_ tax assessments can be made thereon under the State law. All tax §**{¢:¤d¤*!<2¤¤¤¤¤¢SCS¤b- assessments made pursuant to this Act on restricted allotments or liicsssgigimgibiatiilila undivided tribal property held in trust by the United States shall A“‘“”‘°‘ °“° "°°‘· be subject to revision by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for a period of one year following the date when such assessments are _ spread on the local tax rolls, but if he shall take no action thereon 0;¢£,‘§,°t§§}‘°° d°"""°° during said year, such assessments shall be Hnal, but this shall not be construed to deprive any allottee of an remedy to which he PWD would be entitled under the State law: Providyed, That such restricted Resu·i¤i¤¤..prI<l;`>- and undivided property shall be exempt from sale for unpaid taxes $§Ey,$§§§° ,02 a a pena u in en s f°” tl'? 3'§3"i.$"°’“ ii? it?°d.Y£§”.EE°h· t“$§§ b§§‘.§£“°.d§F iii tw°y°°”` gazibs sliall be char ed or collected foryor during said period, so that Congress may have an opportunity to make provision for the plamyment of Slilch taxes if the band, or tribal, funds are found ins cient or the urpose. . _ After the expirlzition of the tax ear following that in which this miii°¤i°s§iinii:cd¢ minis; Act is approved all lands allotted, to members of aid band, from M"' °“° ’°“‘ which restrictions shall have been removed, shall be subject to taxa- Rwmcm an t_ tion the same as other lands. But from and after the expiration mega, aa, mm‘},¢ of said tax year all restricted allotments and undivided property ';§§°d,'§§Qf"’“°° '°‘ shall be exempt from taxation until the restrictions on the a 1enation of such gllotments are removgld (pr the title of the band to such undivide ropert is extmgm` ° e . _ Sec. 22. Ellhat tlili remova of restrictions upon allotted lands shall m,I§,°“‘§§§] ,§’ §§;,°{{‘,,°§ not deprive the United States of the duty or authority to institute tlgintgg tgtartegggctggi and prosecute such action in its own name, in the courts of the in mann mum to United States, as_may be necessary todprotect the rights of the al- $,‘§,'{°°‘ ““'“° °' °u°" lottees, or of their heirs, until the said band shall be dissolved by congressional action, unless the order removing such restrictions is E'°°’“°"‘ based upon an express finding that the Indian to whom it relates 1S fully competent and capable of mana%ng his own affairs. mm as by _Sec. 23. That the authority of the astern Band of Cherokee In- mmm biiim crowd1a(ps)ofdNorth Carolina to lpxecute conveyaing of glands owripd by g",g_°§{f,{‘°°"’·'°°°" sa1 an , or an interest therein, is reco iz , an any suc conveyance heretofoiie made, whether to the Uiiited States or to others, shall not be guestioned in any case where the title conveyed or the instrument o conveyance has been or shall be accepted or approved bysthe §4ecr'§%‘n.ry of the Interior. f th d _ _ fm th Lmdsm www 0, ac. . at the reinvestment o e rocee s arising m e cumm sam ma Sale of surplus and unallotted lands of ssgid band in other lands in °”° "{ the vicinity of the Indian school at Cherokee, North Carolma, IS P•¤¢·r>·115‘/· herebiy authorized, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and ands so purchased may be allotted as provided for herem regecting the allotment of lands now owned by said band. _ Ec. 25. That all things provided for herein shall be done under S$g'*,_§.’,@‘§,{§‘,”‘m{§ the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, who is authorized to ras. prescribe needed rules and regulations. _ __ All questions as to enrollment and as to all other matters involving _‘;",,§l **5 t° the disposition of the lands or moneys of said band or of the members thereof, shall be decided by the Secretary of the Interior, and such decision as to any matter of fact or law shall be final. Mdmm, mm W Sec. 26. That in addition to any sum or sums heretofore or here- ezmmauupnmsoa after regularly appropriated for salaries and expenses, there IS °"”'*°“"'"" ‘*“‘
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/412