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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/414

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 255. 1924. 383 of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to sell or cause to be sold Sm °' d°°` M either in whole or in two or more parts as he may deem ben for i1r:•fdSe&i$iief!;gi€?)3nger the interests of the United States, the several tracts or parcels of real ` property heremafter designated, or any interest therein or appurtenant thereto, which said tracts or parcels are no longer needed for m1l1tary purposes, and to execute and deliver in the name of the United States and in its behalf any and all contracts, conveyances, or other instruments necessary to eifectuate such sale. rnzsr conrs Anna Maine: Narrows Island Reservation, Boothbay, Lincoln County. mmw Massachusetts: Fort Phoenix, near Fair Haven, Bristol County; ' Springfield Armo , two smaH tracts. mm Nm, Rhode Island: ?ort Greene, Newport. ° ' ` snconn conrs Anna New York: Fort Montgomery, Rouses Point, Clinton County; Sag N"' Y°'°" Harbor Reservation, Sag Harbor, Long Island, Sufolk County. nounru coxrs Anna North Carolina: Fort Caswell Military Reservation, near South- N°'"’ °°'°“°'* porltzxprlr tl3awA'1tlantic ccgszt; less fifty-seéen acées, rgore or less, requi y reasury artment or oast uar purposes. South Carolina: Bay_IPoi,nt Reservation on Phillips Island, Beau- mm °'”°u“ fort County· Hilton ead Reservation at south entrance to Port _ Rolyal Sound, Beaufort County. lorida: Gasparilla Military Reservation, entrance to Charlotte u£,j‘§§’§““ R°’°"" Bay: Prooazled, That the appraisal and sale of this reservation shall grngvee- Mmmm cover ongr the right, title, and interest of the United States m the mmyzm aaa - lands an public improvements thereon, without in any way altering or modifying any rights heretofore created therein. Alabama: Fort Gaines, on east end of Dauphin Island, Mobile ·“"’°‘“°· County Tennessee. Tennessee: Park Field, Millington. Om mmm 8 C That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized ceavliysaatéréus convey by apgroqriate quitclaim deed to nine trustees and their §§;’,,§,§,$‘{]},‘,,"‘,,§"§,‘f,°,'§ successors to se ected by the Chamber of Commerce of Columbia, ¤¢¤•¢•¤ =¤¤¢¤i¤· South Carolina, and known as “Trustees of Columbia Cantonment Lands," ap roximately one thousand one hundred and ninety/-two acres of lang within the United States Military Reservation at amp Jackson, South Carolina, to wit: _ The following two tracts of land: D°°°"°°i°"` Tract numbered 1: Beginn` at a stone corner of the Powell, T'°“N°"‘ Hampton and United States)&>vernment lands, thence along the Hampton lands, north sixty-one degrees forty-five minutes west three thousand and twenty-four feet to a stone; thence north forty- seven degrees five minutes west one thousand nine hundred and fifty- six feet to a stone; thence north sixty-one degrees forty minutes west seven hundred and forty feet to a stone; thence nort twenty-seven degrees twenty minutes east across Government lands two thousand feet to a stone; thence.south eighty-seven degrees forty minutes east three hundred and eighty-five geet to a stone; near southeast corner of Camp Jackson incinerator; thence north six degrees twenty minutes east nine hundred and seventy-five and five-tenths feet to a stone; thence north forty-two degrees twenty minutes east eight hundred and fifteen feet to a stone; thence north eighty-two de- 2’l‘ees twenty minutes east eight hundred and twenty-eight feet to a 45822°—251*—-—-27