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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/413

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382 SIXTY—EIt}HTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 253-255. 1924. P··¢»1>·¤¢°· hereby authorized to be appropriated, from the funds of the United States in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of such expenses as shall be necessarily incurred, including the salaries of additional employees in the administration of this ct. Approved, June 4, 1924. .

 CHAP. 254.-An Act Granting certain public lands to the city of Shreveport,

[P¤bu°· N°· lu] Louisiana, for reservoir purposes. Be it enacted by the'Senate and House of Representatives of the g¤¤¤t<g=·§:°v rt United States of America in Uongrese assembled, That the ecreragiir wm: asiggxi tary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to '°’°"°*‘· issue patent or patents to the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, for use @11 theleglablishment pg a igservliair fo; the vlgter supphyeoé saidfiiiy, ora osetractso an wit inw atis ownast ross ae area, in townships 17 and 18 north, range 15 west, Louisiana meridian which may be found by the Secretary of the Interior to have beeil islands in said Cross Lake at the date the State of Louisiana was admitted to the Union, and to which tracts no legal claims have been initiated and dully maintained under the provisions of the public land laws, and sha be timely asserted as provided herein:

»,,,,,,,,,l'°'*'°‘ ,,q,,;,,d_ Provided, That the said city of Shrevepprt shall pay for said lands

at the rate of $1:25 per acre, and sha tender its ap lication for patent, accompamed y the purchase price of the land; within six , months after the approval o this Act, or within a similar period after the acceptance of the official plat or plats or survey if accaepted ”,M*¤¤¤l_,_ °¤¤°¤**¤ *'•· after the date of this Act: Prmnded further, That there sh be geserved po tig United §ta.tes alghgas, glli coal, or other mineral ( eposits oun atany imein esi ds" dth `htt _ prospect for, mine, &l1d·I°€Hl0V€ the sam; an an 8 mg 0 mYgg¤p·;1•b·;,;;gg§¤¤¤ Upon Bling its apphcation by the city, notice thereof shall be pub ished at east once each week for thirty days in some news aper A ti ad in gener;] %culatiorE in thelparigh in whic the land is situatedi Nc j>¤ ¤¤ VM no, . at no c aim a eve to have been initiated d - tained under the public land lhws adverse to the dispositibii oinilaliil lands as provided for by this Act shall be recognized, notice bein given as hereinbefore provided, unless regularly presented to Nc t H mym the gecretary f%f the Ingéfior Wgtbin a period allowed the city. of ’“m°$,, ° _ Shreveport to e its app ication or tent d t 4; t h' hmm mm adverse claim is_asserted shall be yiiaentédmio ltlie Eggs? ,1:3 _ until such claim is finally rejected by the Secreta of the Int ' usgerersiou on mu- Src. 3. That the lands hereby gganted shall be iliged by the cdlyygf Shreveport, Louisiana, only for the purpose expressed in the grant, Bodum! M M undef sing landittor ang pért tléergof, Shall be abandoned for such _ n . use it s a reve to the United States· and th Sec t f Hm Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to deteiminzrirhg falit: and declare suc forfeiture and restore said land to the ublic domain, and such order of the Secretary ghnll bg anal) and conclusive. Approved, June 4, 1924.

 CHAP. 255.-An Act Authorizing the sale of real property no lon er '

[r¤¤¤¤,1~r¤. 193-1 rm- military purposes. 8 r°q°"`°d __ Be it enacted by the Senate and H se 0 R t t' ,m mm United Sm, of Am-at at eagT€88”§L8€m€t5}’ iii? 313 ”§§c$£,§{?§