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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/416

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 255. 1924. 385 feet to a stone near branch; thence north eighty-nine degrees twenty minutes west one hundred and sixty-six feet to a stone, the oint of beginning, containing in all four hundred and eight -six andp eighty- eight one hundredths acres; the land so conveyed7 being approximately equal in area to the lands donated to the United States by the said chamber of commerce as a part of the site on the said reservation by deeds executed by J. Erwin Belser, trustee, dated July 20, Pr . , 1917, and November 16, 1917: Provided, That prior to such con- in§°iig'0rw»yu>b• veyance by the Secretary of War there shall be conveyed to the '°°‘°"'°°· United States by appropriate deed all the rilghts of way and other rights reserved in the aforementioned dee s of donation to the United States to the extent that the Secretary of War may require. Ramble umm 0, That the Secretary) of War is hereby further authorized, in his mgm to me mmm; discretion, to grant y revocable license to the said trustees, their ,l§,‘§§°fnd$.§‘g,‘,$$,,{,‘},’§}gj successors or assigns, subject to such conditions and restrictions as ¤¤=· he may deem necessary to yirotect the interests of the United States and to such regulations as e may from time to time prescribe, the right to use, in common with the United States, the existing roadways and railwa lines of the United States steam or electric, now located upon andy extending over and across the reservation, and also the right to occulpy and use such other lands within the said reservation as he ma esignate for the construction and operation thereon of steam or electric railway lines to extend to the ands to be conveyed to the said trustees as hereinabove described, the United States to have the right to use without charge any railway lines or tracks so constructed on the reservation: Provided, That the said existing 1Q’;",;'&huw°,rwd_ roadways and railway lines on the reservation so occupied and used v$¤y;1¤=¤dr¤¤w¤vH¤¤% and the railwa lines so constructed and operated thereon shall be §ma.,&°’°°“'° ° maintained andy kept in a iced state of repair, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, at the sole expense of the said trustees, their - successors or assigns. Pm rt t be ed That the said trustees shall hold, use, manage, lease, sell, and my .§a¥i¤{}.¤, 21,,, convey, or otherwise dispose of said lands, or any portion thereof, *’“"¥’°“’· and of the proceeds and revenues of the same, for one or more of the following urposes as they may deem best, to wit: Agricultural, industrial, ciiaritable, and educational pur : Provided, however, §;’,°§’§;,,,,w,,,, m_ That no sale or conveyance shall be made by the said trustees of the =v•;,¤= ¤¥ www ¤f lands conveyed by the Secretary of War under this Act until the °" Secretary of War shall have given his consent in each instance to such sale or conveyance. That a majority of the said trustees shall constitute a chuorum ,,,§f"“‘·°‘°··°"""‘ competent to transact business, and that the said trustees sha make such by-laws, rules, and regulations for their own government and for the management and control of the said property and the proceeds thereof as they may deem necessary and proper, and that in the event of any vacancy occurring among the said trustees by death, resignation, removal of residence from Richland County, South Carolina, or other cause, such vacancy shall be iilled from residents of Richland County by selection by a majority of the remaining trustees, such selection to be approved by the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Columbia, South Carolina, or its successors; and if there be no successors, then such selection shall be approved by a majority vote of a committee composed of the presidgnt of the University of South Carolina, the mayor of the city of Columbia, the senator in the General Assembly of South Carolina from Richland County, the probate judge of Richland County, and the resident judge of the judicial circuit of South Carolina embracing Richland County, or their respective successors. F M _That there is hereby granted to the State of North Carolina, ¤.,‘:‘f.‘2L°"""""’ Without cost to the State, or public uses, all lands belonging to Fort