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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/417

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386 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cr;. 255. 1924. c&¥$°_‘* *° N°*"‘ Macon Military Reservation, and now the property of the United §g=;te%u·t;ge;h‘e$• wg; alld tire iuipmxgementshtherepn, and that the re 0 ar an e IS ere authorize an d` ct d t convey_to the said State all right, tithe; and interest of tli;BU(i1ited mm.- ... §£Z£Z*‘ft*i“,€L‘}.1}2“{.*?;.““d *”*‘2»*i’*%.}‘”’i·f.°1"1*1.'*°i"1i‘“"· ****5 by $3*3 _ poses: oo a e 0 owin escri °°ri°§1i¤»i-}1§.'fi,Ti¤_*’“'°°’°“‘ land 18 reserved and granted to the 'Ilreasury Departmeng for Cossst Guard purgses: Begmmng at a concrete monument at the southwest corner of e present Coast Guard property; thence north two hung ¤lI:dr5l]lD:;z~D1ue and tgve-tent s Ceet tp} a concrete monument e 0 w corner o_ epresent oast uard pro rt · th north nine degrees fifty-eight minutes west one thousaiidz tlirijee liiiii? dred and twenty feet, more or less, to Bogue Sound· thence east— 7 3Z.°§d1i¥I.u”t.Db°`.?5“nsh‘t?.§1.§°1‘Lf?.‘,fd”i2$1% B1.§’.i“° S°"*"**1“"’*21’.° S°“**‘ more or - crete monument at the northeast corner of the present (gmt Giiggld

 vfzlgichtiaid mtcgnuipeiiit lgears perth) 0gB hundred and thirty- ‘

_ m e cen ro e op o cur 0 the old hospital 1 Z.Z?;°£,.£. *3*33.* ..*}.2*i.*}..$d*gh.t.1°"‘f?1“¥ {-i°g§i°°“ §2*‘12’,°“"i **‘*'*‘“°*’ “:§*’; ¤¤ ¤ Y- ve t 1 ‘ at the northwest corner of the outside wall ol? old} (l•`gr%u&:i2dii)? thence south two hundred and ninety-nine and five-tenths feet to ti. concrete monument at the southeast corner of the- resent Coast Guard property; thence south one thousand four hundred feet

>Hr§rg(1i £>0$e“45lsX15;pn9man; theplce westwardly about twd

1 ic · e rth h four hundred feet, more or less, to the south lilac; diothe gggsdngzsdgsi Guard propertg; thence west one hundred and forty-seven and five- MEE; hr mm tenths feet to e place of beguiumg, containing twen —two and sixewuuméa M. gelptps acrels, mp}? or less: Promdegl furtlwr, That the government at _ 111188- as e_r1ght and_pr1v1lege ofdpreservm , erecting, and . maintaininq on said reservation such buil mgs as (inst Guard stationg, sgnjithstations for p1lp1ts,Il`ighthouses, and so forth, as may be mei en e purposeso the easury War Navy and Co Departments. ’ ° ’ mmerw srzvnmrr conrs mm Arkansas. ,,,,,8,, Arkansas: Cam Pike Boost P ’ St ° ‘

 ~ W gpc, thi, .1.. tgp.? of tit .§.2.*¥§ Efttil-zi2§“§hE‘SZ2.E£f.‘§

o_ ar s a m eac an eve ca 1; · either as a whole or in two 3 mgemc::,S;;s, Eysageatg ?;i;£_Pl;_lS:pj wgcmidwion OHM plpalasers to belcgosen by Sim for each tract, and in tiiie making gf 0 . ° . ‘*‘°'°° p.?.v..‘;1%L‘3.‘&Z*ii‘.tr.3?.*;?.%1“1.?£§*ti§F..§Z,'¥§a‘?.,?‘§,';§“° °i,“*·>’ upe§*‘§°"%‘§£L‘£L‘ ‘° “°"` 1M§d' 3 Aa 1. 1 11 1 y Pa of Said ., 0 . nc. . er suc a praisa_ s al have bee d opmmemumontm bg the S°FI`¤t81'Y of Wiir, notification of the iladizuiifesiirdli gggiggszd ¢°¤s¤.a1,se1. s all given by the Secretary of War to the governor of the State in which each such tract of land IS located, and such State or the county, or municipality in which such land is located shall in the order named have the option at any_ time within six months after the .Zi€§§*§i§ii @£“Li1}.E° §"i"‘***° mi $3****, °' ““°’ Pm **1mf · _ _ a e a · · ii;ii’iYna¤1¤i public said per1od of six months of the if ipziiglse i uixm Payment Wlthm park purposg, _ PP V8 IIB. Promded h0’we1;er That the conveyance of said tract of land to such State éounty 0; municipality shall_be upon the condition and limitatioii that Qaid proptgrty shpll bchlimitedhtpl use for public park purposes and upém CBSSS1 1011 0 suc use 5 t h · . notice, demand, or action Eiiroiliglgll to t G United States without