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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/418

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srxss. I. Cris. 255, 259. 1924. 387 Sec. 4. Six months after the date of a roval of said a raisal . DlSP°°’°l °* ¤°¢“°¤ if the option given in section 3 hereof shall)€1ot have been coiiippletelyi if mm mt °mm°d' exercised, the Secretary of War shall sell, or cause to be sold, each of said properties at public sale, at not less than the appraised value, after advertisement in such manner as may be directed by the Secretary: Pro/vided, That no auctioneer or person acting in said capacity Prvviw- , _ shall be paid a fee for the sale of said properties in excess of the sum 1tgi°?°°‘°°°f°°°°r1’m` of $100 a day. Sec. 5. A full report of transfers and sales made under the pro- Revert *0 Cowessv§si7c`;ns of this Act shall be submitted to Congress by the Secretary o ar. Sec. 6. The expense of appraisal, surve , advertisin and sale `*i‘P°”S°S °‘ *;¤‘ shall in each case be paid from the procegtls of the saile, whether miggéifrom P 0- made in accordance with section 3 or section 4 of this Act, and the net proceeds thereof shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of “Miscellaneous receipts." _ Sec. 7. The authority granted by this Act shall not repeal any ,0}`l§,]gf‘Q1,§Q_,'}§},‘;§}“°§ prior legislative authority granted to the Secretary -of War to sell or otherwise dispose of lands or property of the United States. - nrerrrii ookrs Anna Sec. 8. That the Secreta of War be, and he is hereby, authorized E· L- to reconvey to Elizabeth%oore, guardian of G. Bedell Moore, a ofig¤}e,¤,;:{:{¤hf¤¤1`j;f¤i¢¤ minor, her successors, or her said ward, or his lawful or legal repre- gd.·m1m,¤w. W"' sentatives or assigns, the camp site of Camp Robert E. L. Michie, containing four hundred acres, more or less, as described in the deed of conveyance to the United States dated April 26, 1919, in consid- m{’)¤{,¤g•l¤;$,gYa}¤C°1;_$§ eration of the ayment by Elizabeth Moore, guardian of the estate memdmpu., xm; are of G. Bedell £ore, a minor, her successors, or her said ward, or his §'§{’,‘§,,,_ °° °“"“‘“l lawful heirs or legal representatives or assigns, to the Chamber of Commerce of Del Rio, of the coimty of Val Verde, and State of Texas, of the sum of $8,000, to be distributed by said chamber of commerce to the ori inal donors. Sm. 9. That the Secretary of War be, and hereby is, authorized 3'2:";’§D°,{*f,“°°g° and directed to convey, by quitclaim deed, to the city of Gloucester, °*¤¤¤¤¤*¤· limin the State of Massachusetts, all the lproprietary right, title and interest of the United States to and in t at certain tract of land now known as Old Fort Defiance, which was ceded by (gift to the United States Government by vote of a town meeting in loucester in 17 94 for the purpose of erecting a fortification, and which is now no longer needed for such purpose. Approved, June 4, 1924. UHAP. 259.-—An Act To amend section 101 of the Judicial Code. lpigznggigéém Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 101 $g{°;g_S;¤g$2g?*{;§j- of an Act entitled “An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws re- so.p.bz·z. ’ ' lating to the judiciary,” approved March 3, 1911, as amended by the Act approved February 20, 1917, be, and the same is hereby, amended .,dY°1‘””"°°*’““”°° so as to read as follows: _ “ Sec. 101. The State of Oklahoma is divided into two judicial ’“‘“°“'“ gistricts, to be known as the eastern and western districts of Okla- Pwtp-9i5· oma. “ The eastern district shall include the territory embraced on the E”*°“"““*'*°‘· lst da; of July, 1916, in the counties of Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Craig, Chero ee, Creek, Choctaw, Coal, Carter, Delaware, Garvin, Grady,