SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 265. 1924. 431 §niployment," approved June 2, 1920, are hereby amended to read as 0 ows: “ Section 1. That in order to rovide for the romotion of voca— -‘· P*°P’*¤“°¤S ¤¤· tional rehabilitation of (persons pdisabled in inldustry or in any iiii§"sii;i°c;s legitimate occupation an their return to civil employment there is °°}’»*T,'}§°,§‘1m_ hereby authorized to be appropriated for the use of the States, subylect to the provisions of this Act, for the purpose of cooperating wit them in the maintenance of vocational rehabilitation of such disabled persons, and in returnin vocationally rehabilitated persons to civil employment for each 0% the fiscal years ending June 30, ·““’““l °’”°“““· 1925, June 30, 1926, and June 30, 1927, and thereafter for a eriod of three years, the sum of $1,000,000. Said sums shall be allotted Bm °'°“°"“°°“’*· to the States in the proportion which their population bears to the total population in the United States not including Territories, ’ outlying possessions, and the District of Columbia, accordin to the _ last preceding United States census: Provided, That the allotment 1{I'§j,'{,'{;,m_ of fund.s to any State shall not be less than a minimum of $5,000 for any fiscal year. And there is hereby authorized to be appropriated m{§{‘§‘f{,§§m§§§,_ mi for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1925, 1926, and 1927, the sum of $2,4,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, which shall be used for the purpose of providing the minimum allotment to the States provided for in this section. _ “All moneys ex nded under the provisions of this Act from °°“°‘“°‘“'°"“i‘°°‘ appropriations authiirized b%_ section 1 shall be upon the condition _ (1)) that for each dollar of ederal money expended there shall be byEfi,‘I,“]q,,,,§¥’°“°‘"‘” expended in the State under the supervision and control of the State board at least an equal amonmt for the same purpose: Provided, {;'§{,j,';';gi°¤i,uS,by That no portion of the appropriations authorized by this Act shall *¤¤“*““°“· be used by any institution for handicapped persons except for the special training of such individuals entitled to the benefits of this _ Act as shall be determined by the Federal board; (2) that the State .,t2`}l{,“§’§$,,°{’,, °{:0§,]§fs’ board shall annually submit to the Federal board for approval plans showing (a) the kinds of vocational rehabilitation an schemes of placement for which it is proposed the appropriation shall be used· (b) the lan of administration and supervision; (c) courses oi study; (el) methods of instruction; (e) qualification of teachers, supervisors, directors, and other necessaxéy administrative officers or employees; (f) plans for the training o teachers, supervisors, and b directors; (3) that the State board shall make an annual report to S,‘§,'§°§,,d"'§"w.,,{ the Federal board on or before September 1 of each year on the dmwork done in the State and on the recei ts and expenditures of Yum t f money under the revisions of this Act; (#5 that no portion of any b,,m,,,,“°§;. 1,,23;.,*,,,K mone s authorized) to be a propriated by this Act for the benefit of mb“°°~ the Slates shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the_purchase, preservation, erection, or repair of any building or buildings or C to be mk equipment, or for the purchase or renta of any lands; (5) that all ,b1,,“‘§°°F,d,,,;°civi; courses for vocational rehabilitation given under the supervision °“*¤‘°¥°°°- and control of the State board and al courses for vocational rehabilitation maintained shall be available, under such rules and regulations as the Federal board shall ipdrescribe, to any civil emlplgyee of the United States disabled w e in the performance of duty ssa legislation m- " Sm. 3. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations quam. authorized by section 1, any State shall, through the legislative *°°°P*“·“°°· { we authority thereof, (1) accept the provisions of this Act; (2) liaise empower and direct the board designated or created as the State ***3 39 gw board for vocational education to cooperate in the administration ’°‘ ` of the provisions of the Vocational Education Act, approved February 23, 1917, to cooP¤rate as herein provided with the ederal Board for Vocational Education in the administration of the provisions of 45822°-—251*——-30