432 A SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Suse. I. C1-rs. 265, 266- 1924- ‘¤¤ ‘ · ’ th St tes h State work1nen’s compensation
,:,°:£'§?§ bliylsrécbi stx bo%,rd,vdeg,i·tinent, or agency exists, charged
‘”"°i"°· with the administration of the State_workmen’s c0mpensation_or liability laws, the legislature shall préovrde that a plan 0 cooperation be formulated between such_ State ard, department, or_ agency and the State board charged with the administration of this Act, such plan to be effective when approved by the governor of the State; ¤,,§,s“,°s*;,$;,§§;d,d°E°·· °‘ (4) provide for the superv1sion_and support of the courses of voca- To ummm State tional rehabilitation to provided by the State b0ardin carrying g,"‘§§}§‘p,§§,Pb§,g‘}},$,",f out the provisions of this Act; (5) appoint as_custodian for said appropriations its State treasurer, who all rece1ve and prov1d§ for PWM the proper custody_ and disbursement of all money paid te;} the _ tate Acceptance of pw- from said appropriations: Proe•odedixTha:t any State wluc , }l1;1‘101‘ to Qmmmm June 30, 1924, has accepted and otherwrse complied with the pro- ¤d· visions of the Act of June 2,1920, shall deemed to have accepted and complied with the prov1sions of this amendment to said Act. ¢1¤ °s°.imni¤’QZ “Sec. 6. That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to ¢1;:‘§ig,B¤¤>¤¤¤*, by the Federal Board for Vocational Education the sum of $75,000 vom p.m,¤m¤¤¤- annually for a period of three years, commencing July 1, 1924, for •¤· , ‘ the purpose of making studies, investigations, and reports regarding ii»i.°4j°°;t:ia£”a·i¤°d` the vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons and their place- ' ments in suitable or gainful occupations, for the administrative expenses of said board mcident to performing the duties rmposed by this Act, including salaries of such assistants, experts, clerks, and other employees, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere as the board rnay deem necessary, actual travehng and other necessary expenses mcurred by the members of the board and by its employees, under its orders, including attendance at meetings of educational associations and other organizations, rent and equipment of omoes m the District of Columbia spd plsewhere, purchase of books og] reference, _ _ law books, and peri ica s stationery typewriters an exchange .,t;”mm°’ hmm' thereof, miscellaneous supplies, postage dn foreign mail, printing and binding to be done at the Government Printing Office, and all other ecesa expenses. ¤,,a.‘°"§'£,l ii§i°ri»r°hiil n "A fiill report of all ezppenses under this section, including names f,§‘g§§$‘· °‘°‘* °° °° of all employees and sa aries paid them, traveling expenses and other expenses incurred by each and every em(ployee and by members of the board, shall be submitted annually to ngress by the board." · Approved, June 5. 1924. ggtlnfuglll CHAP. 266.--An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agri-
culture for the Escal year ending June 30, 1925, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent t'*v the emli°ui•?;t;ix$°r:i»»°»i£i•¥ii¤Z United States of America in Oongreas assegnbled, That the: fecdlgivving sums are appropriated, out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture for the Hscal year en ing June 30, 1925, namely: S°°’°"“""’ °m°°‘ OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. ssnanrns. ,,${’$'§£`“;§té`0Siiiilii°t' For Secretary of Agriculture, $12,000; Assistant Secretary and $,§{§;’“gf";_,§,§f· other personal services in the District of Columbia, $465,495; and _ for extra labor and emergency employments, $7,294; in accordance §j§g;,°,,,, mw, with the glassilication Act of 1923; in all, $484,789: Provided, That avemze www Md in experi ing appropriations or portions of appro riations - E tained m this Act, for the payment for personal serviges in the lllig-