Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/567

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536 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Cue. 296-298. 1924. United States of America who have_served their country in war, and who bear as a mark of such serv1ce the loss of their sight and to perpetuate and keep alive the memories of their comradeship and tlc; epipn 13 them by {choir organization to render what aid they can to t e m genera . p0§*;,‘;°‘pg‘&ugf°·· °°" Sec. 4. That the corporation created by this Act shall have the following powers: To have perpetual succession with power to sue and sued in courts of law and etéuity; to receive, ho d, own, use, and dispose of such real estate an personal property as shall be necessary for its corporate purposes; to adopt_a corporate seal and alter the same at p easure; to adopt a constitution, by-laws, and regulatwns to carry out ICS purposes, not mconsistent with the laws of the Umpec1lhStates or tof any c}Stateg1 to use (inbgalnying opt the purposes o e corpora IQD su em ems an ges as 1 ma adopt; to establish and maintain offices for the conduct of its busi ness; to establish State and Territorial organizations and local chapter or post orgamzations; to publish a magazine or other publgcations, and gtilnerally do any an Suclpfacts and things as may e nece ary an proper m carrying mto e act the purposes of the _ _ _ _ corporation. mgE,§·§‘§§§'g§,§_'°‘ °°“"° SEO. 5. That any honorably discha1§d American veteran of the allied forces who participated m the orld War and whose vision has become defective to such an extent that he is eli `ble for training under Supervisor for the Blind of the United Sl-lates Veterans’ liu;-gag, arid gpy px-servipe man wth; 1}; elpgible {or Such trzgning m gm sa eegie or acivemem rsp mt `ted tt ¤$ymsm¤$.¤°i1i§>i1°”° Blind Veterans of the World War. The memberseof corpgrgf tion”shall gieavgthe pplwer to such other persons to “honor- _ ary mem rs 1 as ey may see , P""’°°°"°“°"°“°“" Sec. 6. That tgis organization shall be nonpolitical and shall not Use of mm mlw beéised gorrplie dissemination of partisan principles. _ t sm. _ nc. . at said corporation and 1ts State and local subdivisions shall have the sole Ed exclusive right to have and to use in carryin out its urposes, e name “The United States Blind Vet- ~··»¤m·¤»·- °’§2i°§tl¥1.lY°fiZYY3§e to m 1 it. - _ _. . T pea , a r, or amend this Act at any time IS hereby express y reserved. Approved, June 7, 1924.

 GQAP. 297.-TA_n Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to permit the city

“° M ‘"‘] €£.V$}‘§€£`$§i’o”§L$22?3§’”i¥0Z%°£€i?f鑧”b?.'}§ ’i‘a“*“i°"‘ “*“*°’ “‘“‘““ °“ 8**** ““"" S , 1SSlSS1pp1. _ _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House R it '

 United States og America   Congress ag§emg€;§;9e%1?;;vi;:fSi,]é? _

,0 Wks;)m;¤Mi&_’ rotary of War e, and he _1s here y, authorized and empowered gixga, mr may- under such terms and conditions as are deemed advisable by him, to (permit the Clty of Vicksburg, Mississippi, to construct operate, an maintain water mains in connection with the waterivorks ot igglsiggip) and under the National Cemetery Road at Vicksburg, Approved, June 7, 1924.

 . CB-AP- 298-—An Act To pay tuition of Indian children in public schools.

Be it enacted by the Senate d Haus R · ‘ ·

gigighomd United States of _Am£er~ica in Ctlgn Tess dsgefinbgeldmtiiflhbgtttzfg géciff
.,I§h%.,,;Eb2%§¤ @3,, tary of the Interior is hereby authorized to pav any claims which

{’m_ · · are ascertained to be proper and just, Whether eovered by contracts