Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/568

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SIXTY -EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 298-300. 1924. 537 or not, for tuition of Indian pu ils in State public schools during the fiscal years 1922 and 1923, and) to expend for such purpose out of balances remaining from the appropriations for support of Indian day and industrial schools for such fiscal years, not to exceed a total of $30,000, without regard to the limitations heretofore laced by l_aw_upon the use of such appropriations for tuition of Fndian pupils in public schools. Approved, June 7, 1924. CHAP. 299.—An Act To authorize an exchange of lands with the State of idliiivfsgiii Washington. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatieves of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled, 'El,1-at upon delivery t,,,1f§§I§l,Z°v,i§§“,{{° "°“i' to the Secretary of the Interior by the State of Washingtgn of its Jsxcuaneq or iam properly executed conveyance to the United States of erica in "{;';¥,v;1?t;*‘;‘*§*t;';éS ee simple of the following lands in that State: The northwest ` quarter of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter and the northwest uarter of the southeast quarter, all in section 16, township 20 nor(ish, range 1 east Willamette Meridian, containing three hundred and sixty acres, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to issue in exchange therefor a patent to the State of To W,,,,,,,,g,,,,,_ Washington to the following lands in that State: The north half of the northwest quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the east half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, all in section 25, township 22 north, range 10 west, Willamette Meridian. Lands mum adm _ Sec. 2. That the lands first described shall as soon as title thereto euro pemantsuy. is vested in the United States be under the care and control of the Attorney General of the United States, to be administered by him as a part of the Federal penitentiary on McNeil Island. Approved, June 7 1924. CHAP. 300.——An Act Conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to i§¤;lZ;!§@h__i_ hear, examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment in any claims which the Choctaw lP¤bll¤» N¤· 2%} and Chickasaw Indians may have against the United States, and for other Purpose z Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives of the . United States of gfeimerica in Congress asseicnbleg, That jurisdiction »i$£i°iiiii¤ifd ( mw be, and is hereby, conferred upon the Court of Claims, notwith— ,,,,§’,,§‘,‘*°{,‘}_'”‘,f,,‘,§,§’,§ Standing the lapse of time or statutes of limitation, to hear, ex- gJ¤{1¢(%t§’g·¢gg;t9°ugt¤ amine, and adjudicate and render judgment in any and all legal orciaims. and equitable claims arising imder or growing out of any treaty or agreement between the United States an the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian Nations or Tribes, or either of them, or arising under or growin out of any Act of Congress in relation to Indian affairs which sai§l Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations or Tribes may have against the United States, which claims have not heretofore been determined and ad`udicated on their merits by the Court of Claims or the Supreme Court of the United Statw. Tm °,m,¤g_ Sec. 2. Any and all claims against the United States within the purview of this Act shall be forever barred unless suit be instifated or petition filed as herein provided in the Court of Claims mud,) 0, www Wlthin five years from the date of approval of this Act. The 1y.i¤r¤¤¤¤¤¢d- claim or claims of each of said Indian nations shall be presented separately or jointly by petition in the Court of Claims, and such