SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 547 Northeast: For pavin Kearne Street Ei hteenth Street to *’"*¤¤ K°°'¤°Y Twentieth Street, thirty geet wide,y$11,500 ;’ g stmt NE` _ Northwest: For pavin Ninth Street, Butternut Street to Cedar N\I;?viDg Nm"' S°'°°° Street, thirty feet wide, §5,200; _ _ Northwest: For pavin Eighth Street, Butternut Street to Cedar Nt>€]"°‘E"h°h S°'°°° Street, thirty feet wide, %3,700; _ Northwest: For paving Chesapeake Street, River Road to Forty- S,§,’Z,`{‘{.';“wfJ"°°°"°°"° fourth Street, thirty feet wide, $9,300; _ _ Northwest: For paving Otis Street, Sixth Street to Park Place, Niywing Om s"°°° thirty feet wide, $9,900 _; _ Northwest: For paving Farragut Street, Georgia Avenue to s;s::ii1v%.F°rragut Thirteenth Street, thirty feet wide, $8,100; Northwest: For paving Kennedy Street, Fifth Street to Eighth gti;Zfi~fv°t,K°°°°°’ Street, forty feet wide, $15,000; _ . Southeast: For gradin Savannah Street, Wheeler Road to stgeridsii egivmm Eleventh Street; Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Places, Savannah Street to Alabama Avenue, $7,600; P . Th. t Northwest: For paving Thirty-fourth Street, Newark Street to fourt1i7St1rgetNVéi yi Ordway Street, thirty feet wide, $6,900; Northwest: For paving Thirty-fourth Street. Lowell Street to Klingle Road, thirty feet wide, $9,800; _ _ Northwest: For paving Klmgle Road, Thirty-second Street to N,?"""m‘”"°R°“ Thirty-fourth Street, thirty feet wide, $12,000; _ Northwest: For paving Seventeenth Street, Webster Street to S§°,’f,{",},‘w?°"”'°°"h Allison Street, thirty feet wide, $4,800. Northwest: For pavin Ninth Street, Crittenden Street to Decatur N§r$'""‘ Nmh S"°°° Street, thirty feet wide, §5,000; S Northeest: For paév1n§{ Fourth Street, Taylor Street to Upshur N$$'i"'F""°°'S°"°°t __ treet,t'rty eetwie, 000; _ Northwest: For paving Street, Allison Street to Iowa S,2{'§’qv,T°"°°°°m Avenue, forty feet wide, $8,000: Northwest: For pavin Jefferson Street, Thirteenth Street to stag: i·}1w.I°"°"'°° Fourteenth Street, thirty geet wide, $11,500; mm Northwest: For paving Allison Street. Seventh Street to Illinois NSYMA gmt Avenue, thirty feet wide, $4,000; { V Northwest: For paving Varnum Street, Fourteenth Street to Fif- SJQZYNIW. °"""° teenth Street, thirty feet wide, $6,100; P I 0 1 Northwest: For paving Garrison Street, Belt Road to Wisconsin se.Z{z·}`w, °" ’°° Avenue, thirty feet wide, $11,700; P vi Tm mh Northwest: For paving Thirty-fifth Place, T Street to U Street, rn:. xiiv. " twenty-four feet wide, $3,500; _ PWD Bovmm Northwest: For paving Seventh Street, Jeferson Street to Ken- smeuvi. negy Street, thirty feet wide, $4,700; · orthwest: For paving Seventh Street, Kennedy Street to L0ng— fellow Street, thirty feet wide, $4,700; Pwmmgm stmt Northwest: For aving Ei hth Street, Ingraham Street to Jeifer- Nw. son Street, thirty fleet wide $4,700; Yum Num mm, h Noiéthwest For pavingdliigth 0S)treet, Hamilton Street to Ingra— Nw. am· treet,t eetwi e, 5 ; K, W Northwest: lglbr aving Kfnsas Avenue, Allison Street to nuI:% A Buchanan Street, figzy feet wide, with ten-foot center parking, $7 500; Paving New Hamp- Northwest: For gavin New Hampshire Avenue, Grant Circle sun Avmmuw. to Allison Street, fty tieet wide, with ten-foot center parking,
Pavin Fifteenth
Northwest: For {paving Fifteenth Street, Varnum Street to Web- samnw. ster Street, thirty eet wide, $4,700; Gmm Puwmc Northwest: For grading Potomac Avenue, Macomb Street to Nor- umu, Niv. ton Place and constructing a culvert in connection therewith, $12,500;