SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 553 For extension and relocation of police-patrol system, including P°“°° 1******* ¤Y¤¤¤=· purchase of new b0xes,_purchase and erection of necessary poles, croiss arngs, ifisjulatorsi pigs, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, pos ex ra a_ or an o er necessary items $2 000I sgiiii “§i$i”$§32`i §3r£é’h§$g§“YtZl Sig““1 g’S£°“2 ii “*‘° iZ"°”‘E &%%€=.t°m*’ig$ it ¤ _ _ in rearrangemen o circui an ¤ - reconnection of certa1n boxes becaiise of changes in boundaries of those precincts incident to establishment of the new twelfth police precinct, including the purchase and installation of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, instruments, extra labor, and other necessary items, to be — immediately available, $3,120. _ · _ I Licirpme: Focgsputrchaisei instaltlation,1a1;d maintegiakncte of pgblati umm *°‘°°°“’°*°‘ amps, amp-p s ree esi a ions an erns an x ures o a kinds on streets, avenues, road; alleys, and_ piiblic spaces, and for all necessary expenses in_ connection therewith, including rental of itgbégsi aipld sto1;e(§·p;1>(1;;s,whty{;zryh an;. extra labtir, tips sun; to (peg exg `*}:{fg%’p_‘m_ acco 1 e ovisions o sec ions an o the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1912 and with the rovisions of the District of Columbia Appropriation v°"37’*"m‘ ' $5ct 535 the Escal year 1913. and other laws applicable thereto, 25 . Fdr replacing gas lamps and Hxtures and older and less effective ,,,1,:,,Y°‘:£°° °‘° °" electric lamps and fixtures on streets, avenues, roads, and public spaces by improved electric installations, purchase of posts and fixtures of all kinds, and for all necessary expenses in connection there- ,,m,”_ gtk Protlevided, Tha: no part oftthis] appro;;1(?att;io1iashat1(l 0¤¤¤•¤¢n¤¤·w¤<¤¤- avai e or e paymen on any con rac requir y w be awarded through coinspetitive bidding, which is not awarded to the lowest bidder on speci cations, and such specifications shall be so drawn as to admit of fair competition. mm For extension and relocation of lire·alarm system, including pur- m" b°"°‘ chase of new boxes, purchase and erection of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necesary items, $9,000. · For plurchase and installing additional lead·covered cables to in- °°b1°°”' crease the capacity of the underground signal cable system, $8,000. rustic sonoons. ’“°"°•°”°°‘·· Salaries: Superintendent, $6,000; two assistant superintendents, hglizmxi at $3,750 each; business mana r, to be in charge o the business .m•,p.a¤·:. administration of the gublic schzool system, and to be appointed by "'•‘·¥’·°"°· and responsible to the oard of Education of the District of Columbia, $3,750; director of intermediate instruction, thirteen supervising principals, supervisor_ of manual training and director of ""¥“‘”' "ii"§f‘§§`€é`6 S?“’“‘§d".} “<ii.“$ “ ""'}i”““%'“a$"l“"’ °§h$ii@ H eac ;m a , : row: e a no pa 0 is sum a ew ¤¤.s mr ¤¤¤ available for the payment of the salary of any superintendent, assist- giiiiiuéadiiirrfapdftpgi ant superintendent, director of intermediate instruction, or super- °"""°""°""‘*‘*°"· vising principal who permits the teaching of partisan politics, disrespect of the Holy Bible, or that ours is an inferior form of government. ,,,,,,m,,,_ Otlice of the superintendent of schools: For rsonal services in %*¤¤¤¤¤*· accordance with the Clasiiication Act of 1923, $3,580. saaezuy- Oilice of the secretary: For rsonal services in accordance with the Class1Ecation Act of 1923, éilcii,020. rm•¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤e.· Oilice of finance and accounting: For rsonal services in accord- i¤¤· ance with the Classification Act o 1923, $:8,360.