554 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. · Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. gwmpl m Salaries: Attendance officers-—one $1,080, one $960, nine at $900 ch· 10 140. _ m"““"“‘ caSalsirl}ie·sl}’ in high and normal schools-—ten in class 5, at a minimum salary of $1,200 each, $12,000. °`°"°""* rmcmzus. §°‘,,;,"°;· 3,., Salaries: For two thogiignd six hundred and seventy-six teachers nai ,' { atmini umsalsriesas 0 ows: _ Hgfgjapsl out 81 Princlgial of the Central High School, $3,500: Provzded, That nm salary. the principal of the Central Hi h School shall be placed at a bas1c salary of $3,500 fper annum ang shall be entitled to an increase of $100 annum or five earsm·;§f§n‘f,“,§,}·¤K,‘f,§:,‘f“ Twlherassistant principlils, cine for me Central High School and _ one for the McKinley Manual Traming High School, at $2,400
agi: P1vvid¢;d$2T*l5:5t said assistantdpsgngipgls figlldbp placed at a
`csalaryo per annum an a cnr e o an increase of $100 per annum for live years; _ _ _ °“‘“""‘°°°"" Princi als of normal, high, and manual-training high schools, Y eight at %,700 each; ’ _ ‘ D dw", M %’rincipals of junior high schools, eight at $2,700 each; igumaacmca. Seven assistant prmcipals, who shall be deans oflvgirls of the Central Hggh School, Eastern Hrgli School, Dunbar rgh School, Business igh School, Western igh School, McKinley Manual P . Tramrng High School, and Armstrong Manual Traming High museum, School at $2 400 each: Pwrvided That said assistant rmci als shall s s 1 SEM P be placed at a basic salary of @,400 per annum and l be entitled D. · to an increase of $100 per annum for five years; _ _ Directors of mus1c, drawmg, physical culture, domestic science, P,,,,,,,,_ domestic art, kmdergartens, and penmanship, seven, at $2,000 each: P¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤iv· Provided, That the director of penmanship, who shall be an instructor in the normal school and a director in the grades, shall be placed at a basic salary of $2,000 {per annum, and shall be entitled Assistant mmm to an increase of $100 per annum or five years; Primary gmmmaon. Assistant director of primary instruction, $1,800; ,0gf¤°'°*“*’*°“*‘”'°°‘ Amistant directors o music, drawing, physical culture, domestic mam. _ science, domestic art, kmdergartens, and penmanship, seven, at
- ’°’“¤“’*“°· $1,800 eziph Promded, That the amnstant dnilector of penmanship,
who sha an instructor in the normal sc ool and t t director in the ades, shall be placed at a basic salar o:ln$l1§%5 agr sr _ _ y 1 P annum, and shall be entitled to an increase of $50 per annum for ,,,,,·,,,,,g_ five years‘ gI,;u;,,,,n Assistant supervisor of manual training, $1,800; Heads of departments in high and manual-training high schools in group B, of class 6, sixteen, at $2,200 each; Normal, high, and §1a1¥ual~tmi;n1ngthi;glh schpo§;280romol:ed for superior wor group o c ass six y- ree, a eac ; (iiroup A, oi class 6, including scyen principals of grade manual— “`“é‘i§'$§ §°h?°“’i?J£JF,?3d§Z“$“¥dr€§‘&“° $124“i§,`2»”6%h; h - I d· wo o - ve, a eac mc u in acgministrative principal? vocational trade instructors and teachergs o Americaniz tion w ; Class 4, fiveahundred. and ninety-five, at $1,200 each; Class 3, six hundred and fifty-one, at $1,200 each; Class 2, four hundred and t irty-two, at $1,200 each; ,.,,,,,,,,_ p Class 1, one hundred and twenty-six, at $1,200 each; _ ¢g¤g;g;§§¤£°l***% In all. for teachers, $3.459,140: Provzded, That no part of this ' sum shall be available for the payment of the sala of any teacher who teaches partisan politics, disrespect of the Hx Bible, or that ours is an inferior form of government.