562 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. ments for receiving alarms and connecting said house with firealarm headquarters, $56,000. H°"“" D°""“'““"°‘ HEALTH DEPARTMENT. sanamns. sums. For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $130,640. ,,,$$.,'§,t§{‘,i§°S dem PREVENTION or coiwraorous msnasns. pa§,‘éT'°°"‘°“t °" For enforcement of the plrovisions of an Act to prevent the spread §g}·&g·§g; of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March ` 3, 1897, and an Act for the prevention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, epidemic cerebrospinal meninmhmma as 2Z.’“.;7“§‘i9°%'7" Sid{H2?t2h§}Z$‘£°E02fs§.°q1e`?£i2L”L‘}*’§?i“§$a]Z;,°£’£ V°1‘35'°‘m°“ tuberculosis tp§dDistrict 3ffColumbia, or hfree examination of . sputum in sus c cases an or preventing the spread of tuberculosis in said gistrict of bolumbia, approved May 13, 1908, under the directuindof th; health_0ilic<;lr of tsaid Distxglicp, méilnufacturz of . serums incu mg eirusemm igen cases an or epreven ion ¤¤ii°!°°m° mmm of mfiintile paralysisandfother comxpumciible displases, including salaries or compensation or persona services, w en ordered in
by the commissioners and necessary for the enforcement and
execution of said Acts, and for the prevention of such other communicable diseases as hereinbefore plrovided, purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and arness, purchaw of reference books S‘”**l*¤°"’°“P**°‘· and medical ]ournals, and maintenance of quarantine station and I §:,°c'{,e‘T",£,;,,,g,,m,e,,m_ smallpox hospital, _ $40,000: Provided, That any bacteriologist www- employed under this appropriation shall not be paid at a rate more than $7 per day or time actual1y_employed and may be assigned by the health officer to the bacteriological examination of pfnilk and (ptlier dzgrytlproducts and oféhe wats; supplies qi iailiiy arms,an osuc oersama wor asm e]u enot health officer will promote the pdlilic health, whether s§::1l1 examine? sS:*=;,;·;~*;».~;2a;,s1,·;; *‘°§2rb‘§S%i,`Z?¤§;“w“},$§‘]¥I»$`“ £%§§‘§$°c§K¥§§1g$3?,§lLi€§;‘;? at Garfield H°°°““-"· Memorial and ovidence Hospitals, maintenance, $10,000 and $6,500, respectively, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the commis- Tubmumis md sioiiers {pay in gll, $16,500, d_ '
"”“"“ °“* m‘Z'.,§ §.3‘2§L‘.§t ‘§2£§§¤‘§ s3r§f%¥F§‘??'m°5ub2i‘2$i‘3§‘§°S §°’$*‘°.§‘°“;
‘ an o in 1 n Pr _ persons suffering fromyenereal diseases, including payment for gir- V,,YQ',§°,f,p,,,,,m_ sonal service an supplies, $14,500: Provided, That the commissioners may_ accept such volunteer services as they deem expedient in con-
i’$£§§“u.lit2r?§‘e%?S}Z'Z$§§`Z‘i°?$r?2‘§» “i%i§‘$‘t’§§2€, ii “‘€§’;S"°‘“i““°§
_ . _ a no cons r to authorize the expenditure or_thd payment of any money on To-
°°‘i»‘Z,*.‘§§£{,i‘;i‘;!3}“§§§‘ifi;’§§§°‘i·,, · · 1 .1- I -
rvice inc u in sa - pensation for (personal services when ordered in wr§ingali§l(i;‘ 332- missioners an necessary for maintenance of said service and for purchase and maintenance of necessary homes, wagons, and harness, ?§f§§?§? lfor enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the Mmm, m,,Sm_,s_ drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May 19, 1896, vo1.s4,p. in. and an Act to provide for the abatement of nuisances in the District of Columbia by the commimioners, and for other purposes, approved April 14, 1906, $2,000.