SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 563 For ipecial services in connection with the detection of the adulter— m£s°°d» °‘°·· *’d“"°”‘ ation o drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, $200. ' nAc·rmn1o1.oe1cA1, 1.ABo1zAronr. ,,£.,°€'*“°l°"°“l"b°" For maintaining and keeping in good order, and for the purchase M°"‘°°‘“‘”°°’°‘°‘ of reference books and scientific periodicals, $750. Apparatus, equipment, cost of installation, supplies, and other expenses incidenta to the biological and serological diagnosis of (1188888, $750° C ICAL RATORY. Chemicallaboratcry. For maintaining and keeping in good order, and for the pur- M°i°°°°°°°°'°tf° chase of reference books and scientific periodicals, $1,000. DAIRY FARM INSPECTION. D°i”f“"“S‘ For necessary expenses of inspection of dairy farms, including I"s°°°°’°“°‘°°"°°°°' amounts that may be allowed the health officer, assistant health officer, chief medical inspector in charge of contagious-disease service, and inspectors assigned to the inspection of dairy farms, for maintenance by each of a horse and vehicle at not to exceed $20 per month, or motor vehicle at not to exceed $26 per month, for use in the dischar§ of his official duties, and other necessary traveling expenses, ,000. M_ MISCELIAANEOUS. 's°°u°“°°“S‘ For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act to 1,§’,§‘,{§f§{’QF “““‘ '°‘“` regulate the sale of milk in the District of Columbia, and for other "¤*·28· ¤·’*°· purposes, a proved March 2, 1895; an Act relating to the adulteration of foocg and drugs in the District of Columbia, approved Febru- Fwd candy me ary 17, 1898; an Act to prevent the adulteration of candy in the v¤1.éo,pp. District of Columbia, a proved May 5, 1898; an Act for prevent-‘ ing the manufacture, saliz, or transportation of adulterated or mis- $§{f’§Lf°,‘}_l?,g‘§j branded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traiiic therein, and for other purposes, approved June 30, 1906, $1,000. Cmmtm For maintenance, including personal services, of the public A ` crematory, $2,000. Pound For the maintenance of one motor vehicle for use in the pound ' service, $400. _ For equipping, maintaining and operating the motor ambulance, and keeping it in good order, _ _ Cmd hmm my For maintaining a child h `ene service, including the establish- ns. _ ment and maintenance of child,. welfare stations for the clinical ex- ,,,1f§;,§‘§$,‘{,’;,j‘°,Z‘{c?"°" amination, advice, care, and maintenance of children imder six years of age, payment for personal services, rent,_fuel, periodicals, and Pmtm supplies, $18,000: Provided, That the commisioners may_ accept such vonmzw mam. vo unteer services as they may deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the service herein authorized: Nom, mborml Provided further, That this shall not be construed to authorize the expenditure or the payment of any money on account of any such volxmteer service. comrrs AND Parsons. °°“’“*“‘“"“““· Juvenile Court. Jvvmrxm oomrr. Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classilica- S°m°° tion Act of 1923. $41,516.