604 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 315, 316. 1924. ·‘*°*m¤ °° **¤¤“°¤**l°*° Sec. 23. Noth` in this Act shall a ly to a bona fide student of imcticiux i>iiigi$iii»;I dentistry in thai-uginic rooms of a ri-igutable dental college, to a °°°‘ legally qualified physician or surgeon unless he practices entistry as a specialty; to a dental surgeon of the United States Army, Navy, Public Health Service, or Veterans’ Bureau, in the discharge of his oilicial duties, nor to a lawful practitioner of dentistzy in another State or Territory making a clinical demonstration be ore a dental society, convention, association of dentists, or dental college, or performing his duties in connection with a specific case on which he Pam] I may have been called to the District of Columbia. display °i¥${?"°'° °° Sec. 24. Whoever engages m the practice of dentistry and fails to keep displayed in a conspicuous place in the operating room in which he practices, and in such manner as to be easily seen and read, the license granted him pursuant to the laws of the District P N I mm of Columbia, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50. i§¤¤°°s..iZy¤;° Q Sec. 25. Whoever sells or offers to sell a diploma conferring a “°°'“°°·°‘°- dental degree, or a license granted pursuant to this Act, or procures such diploma or license with intent to use the same as evidence of the right to practice dentistry as defined by law, by a person other than the one upon whom such diploma was conferred, or to whom such license was granted, or any person who with fraudulent intent alters such diploma or license, or uses or attempts to use the same, P mm M I0 _ shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $200. i¤,;°;¤ emu., °?,¥smis Sec. 26. Whoever, being a manager, proprietor, operator, or con- §gf,Q;,°°§,,’§§,§§°,§;"f,‘{;¥’ ductor of a place performing dental operations, employs a person who is not a licensed dentist to perform dental operations as defined by law, or permits such persons to practice dentistry in his office, or whoever ractices dentistry under a false name, or assumes a title, or appends or prefixes to his name letters which falsely represent him as having a degree from a chartered dental college, or makes use of the words " dental college " or " school ” or equivalent words when not lawfully authorized so to do, or impersonates another at an examination held by the board of dental examiners, or knowingly makes a false application or a false representation in connection with such examination, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more _ _ than $200. ,h§;'§’g§‘,Y"°’“°‘“"°“ Src, 27. Whoever violates any provision of law relating to the practice of dentistry and oral hygiene, or the application for examination and licensing of dentists and oral hygienists, for which no specific penalty has been prescribed shall be ned not less than $50 _ nor more than $100. ”};$;‘,§§°c',§,f$,Q,§‘Q,;$}*°‘ Src, 28. A second or subseepuent conviction under any of the next four preceding sections shall e punished by the maximum penalties prescribed therein, or imprisonment in jail or workhouse not less than ten days nor more than sixty days or by both such fine and Inconsistent laws re- 1mpr1S0nm€nt' , pained. Sec. 29. All Acts or parts thereof heretofore enacted into law and inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, June 7, 1924.
GHAP. 316.-An Act To protect navi ation from obstruction and injury
l¥’¤bli¢»N¤-B8.] %y_preventing the discharge of oil into the coastal navigable waters of the mted States. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives 0 t ,,22* P°"“"°" A“· United States of America in Congress asgembgfed, That thisfA}i:f; Mmm warms, may be cited as the “Oil Pollution Act, 1924." Sec. 2. When used in this Act, unless the context otherwise ··on.~ r°quu`°S"" (a) The term " oil ” means oil of any kind or in any form, including fuel oil, oil sludge, and oil refuse;