SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. Ch. 316. 1924. 605 (b) The term " person " means an individual, partnership, cor- “P°¤°¤·" poration, or association; any owner, master, officer or employee of a vessel; and any officer, agent, or employee of the United States; ~cmm navigable (c) The term "coasta navigable waters of the United States " ‘g@,'§§,,°‘ “‘° U”‘*°d means all portions of the sea within the territorial jurisdiction of ` tllie bgtateésiznd all inland waters navigable in fact in which t e ti e e an ows; .. ,, éd) The term “Secretary " means the Secretary of War. DSf;l;yQ,, 0,, by mo. 3. That, except in case of emergency imperiling life or ¤¤g)*1¤¤¢¢¤¤<1i¤¢¤¤¤v·· property, or unavoidable accident-, collision, or strandin , and gu °w°mS’ u°1°wml' except as otherwise permitted by regulations prescribed iy the Secretary as hereinafter authorized, it shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, or suffer, or permit the discharge of oil by any method, means, or manner into or upon the coastal navigable waters of the United States from any vessel using oil as fuel for the generation of propulsion power, or any vessel carrying or having oil thereon in excess of that necessary for its lubricating requirements and such as may be required under the laws of the United States Rm] G t be and the rules and regulations prescribedthereunder. The Secretary ppesmngampemitmg is authorized and em owered to prescribe regulations permitting ‘§§§1§§§,$;, °§§"h¥,,{§§f the discharge of oil ¥rom vessels in such quantities, under such S°3'°°d·°°°- conditions, and at such times and places as in his opinion will not be deleterious to health or sea food, or a menace to navigation, or dangerous to persons or property engaged in commerce on such waters, and for the loading, handling, and unloading of oil. Punishment for vw Sec. 4. That any person who violates section 3 of this Act, or any lations. regulation prescribed in pursuance thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,500 nor less than $500, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year nor less than thirty days, or by both such fine vmi mma me and imprisonment, for each offense. And any vessel (other than a p°'”‘“Y· vessel owned and operated by the United States) from which oil is discharged in violation of section 3 of this Act, or any regulation prescribed in pursuance thereof, shall be liable for the pecuniary ummm wm_he,d_ penalty specified in this section, and clearance of such vessel from ewa port of the United States may be withheld until the penalty is Recovery orueu. paid, and said penalty shall constitute a lien on such vessel which may be recovered in proceedings by libel in rem in the district court of the United States for any district within which the vessel may be. mvmaoe, ae., pt Src. 5. A board of local inspectors of vessels may, subject to the ,‘§,‘§$,‘1,‘Q"°°"‘°'°‘ ‘""‘ provisions of section 4450 of the Revised Statutes, and of the Act fian?-4°405g·v-861- Glltitled "An Act to provide for appeals from decisions of local p` ` inspectors of vessels, and for other purposes,” approved June 10, 1918, suspend or revoke a license issued by any such board to the master or other licensed officer of any vessel found violating the provisions of section 3 of this Act. rename, eee., not Sec. 6. That no penalty, or the withholdintg of clearance, or the gggmglghigw {gf; susipension or revocation of licenses, provide for herein, shall be mmm. ergtprced for any violation of this Act occurring within three months a r its assa . , . . . Sec. 7. pThatgi£n the administration of this Act the Secretary may in uae shrug make use of the or `zation equipment, and agencies, mc uding °°” °° °”°°°°x° engineering, clericaianalnd other personnel, employed under his direction in the improvement of rivers and harbors, and in the , enforcement of exisf laws for the preservation and protection rwnmmeuu of navigable waters. mind for the better enforcement 0 the pro- '“'“‘·°*°‘•°'°°'°°“" visions of this Act, the oiicers and agents of the United States in charge of river and harbor improvements, and the asistant engineers and inspectors employed under them by authority of the andoEeersof theCustomsandCosstGuard Servioeof thellmtesi