SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 33 CHAP. 81.-An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in cer- ¢l‘;§1’il2, 19% tain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, [Pubh°’ N°° (S6'] 1924, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0{I the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the fo ow- ,,,§,{'“ D°“°i°¤°Y A°*· ing sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, and for other purposes, namely: LEGISLATIVE. ’—¤¤SL¤*~*v¤· SENATE. Senate. To a Ida G. Nelson, sole survivi child and heir at law of §““*°N°'“°"· _ Honogléble Knute Nelson, late a Senatiii? from the State of Minne· aymdmghm sota ,500. Tb pay Paul Dillingham, sole heir at law of Honorable William P· D““‘*g‘ P. Dillingham, late a Senator from the State of Vermont, $7,500. P¤y¤>h¤ir- To pay Edward D. Nicholson and Ruth Nicholson Melville, sole §.§‘;,"§§'c1,§,1,Q‘},u°hf"”°°· surviving children and heirs at law of Honorable Samuel D. Nicholson, late a Senator from the State of Colorado, $7,500. To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay from the appropria- §:rgvmG- '¤¤iz¤¤· tion for 1924, for compensation for clerical assistance to Senators ` not chairmen of committees, to Henry G. Teigan for services as clerk rendered Honorable Magnus Johnson, Senator from the State of Minnesota, at the rate of $2,500 per annum, and increase of compensation at the rate of $240 per annum from July 17 to 31, 1923. For payment to James R. Wick for services rendered the Com- Wmmittee on the District of Columbia durin the investigation of trafiic ` conditions in the District of Columbia, igrom November 10, 1923, to February 10, 1924, $1,000. For additional salary of the Deputy Sergeant at Arms and store- hP_g>g*,{ S¤¤=¤¤¤* ¤* kee r of the Senate for the fiscal year 1924, $860. ’ ` Bibi- payment of expenses incurred by the Sergeant at Arms on I·‘¤mcm10fPmdd•¤t account of attendance of the Committee of Senators at the funeral H"‘““g‘ of the late President Warren G. Harding, $5,000. ° For purchase of furniture, $5,000. F¤f¤*¤¤¤¤· For stationery for Senators and the President of the Senate, in- B°°“°°°’Y· cluding stationery for committees and officers of the Senate, $5,000. noosn or REPRESENTATIVES. m%;¤¤¤ ¤fR¤1>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· To pay the widow of J. C. Cantrill, late a Representative from %8C·g)¤$,]&&*v} the State of Kentucky, $7,500. Y ' To pay the mother of H. Garland Dupré, late a Representative §,;Q;**,{1Q,QheDyP*é· frclim the Sgate cg Lougsjanxa, 1 R the Y ` o pa thewi ow o . . n ate a epresentative from J-V·G=¤=&*,;w State of5l*Tew York, $7,500. y° P“"°“‘l ‘ To pay the widow of B. G. Humphreys, late a Representative §,;5$*£0H,§,!j,*g’,§”Y’· from the State of Misissippi, $7 500. ` To pay the widow of Claude Hitchin, late a Representative from §‘:,§*§§“]$,*,§g§,*”· the State of North Carolina, $7 500. ` To pay the widow of L. W. Mott, late a Representative from the %,;V,;,*§,?f,f;w_ Straits of Neg Yoigr, $7,i00f W Ra 1 R f I W oatewiowo . . ine,atea eresentative rom ·_ the stiitgor mama, $7,500. y P "“’ ‘°""’°"