684 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 4. 1924.
- ’¤¤“° ‘•¤°¤· Gnmmai. LAND Ormcn ‘
RUM, ·, I Mm? Reimbursement to State of Utah: To reimburse the State of Utah, vsasarnaaennsa as provided in the Act of Congress approved August 18, 1894, for °I‘°°’°"°°‘ moneys advanced by said State to the United States on April 12, 1922, August 1% 1922, and November 13, 1922, to secure the survey of lands grante to said State, $50,000. I¤d*¤¤ Ahh B¤· Brmmv or INDIAN Arrams IRI!. w1;°={da§g“ R¤"¤· For rebuildinfg the dairy barn on the Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho; 1;;,,;,,,;,,,} li,. ;,,,,_ for purchase o a dairy herd; for equipment for barn and farm ma- •°°· chinery; the foregoing to replace the building, stock, and ectuipment recently destroye by fire; in all, $10,000, to remain availa le until . June 30, 1925. N§{”°" my S°h°°*’ For rebuilding dairy and horse hams at Carson City Indian B°P‘”*”¤*’"“· School, Carson ity, Nevada, fiscal years 1924 and 1925, $7,500. hF°‘,}iQ°°° °*'°°‘ For the relief of distress among the full-blood Choctaw Indians of %xe:.e¤¤. Mississippi, including the same objects specified under this head in the Igterior Department Appropriation Act for the Hscal year 1923, 12.83. DY,f”°°‘°°“‘*‘°°’·N· For Burchase of a dairy herd at the Wahpeton Indian School, Beviwwsdeirvberd- North akota, to replace the herd destroyed on account of being infected with tuberculosis, $3,500, to remain available until June _ 30, 1925. ,,¥;,,*’f*° *"'“""°“ For continuing construction and enlargement of the Wapato iru°<g>¤¢i¤¤i¤¢ ¤¤?_r¤¤- rigation and drainage spstem, to make possible the utilization of the vous. audi. water suppliprovided y the Act of August 1, 1914 (Thirty-eighth Statutes at arge, page 604), for forty acres of each Indian allotment under the Wapato irrigation project on the Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington, and such other water supply as may be available or obtainable for the irrigation of a total of one hundred and tgventy thousand acres of allotted Indian lands on said reservation, 20.3 . ` m1;*{?_h§g}* Mme Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho (tribal funds) : The Secretary of the nengigsesfig, ac., Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw, from the fund created ?¤ ¤¤*¤¤ M1- by Section 3 of the Act entitled “An Act authorizing the a uiring ·*”“·¤·“’· of Indian lands on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, in Idiiixo, for reservoir purposes in connection with the Minidoka irri tion projeet," approved May 9, 1924, $100,000, or_ so much thereogaas may bg necessary, for use in relocating, enlarging, and reconstructing the main canal of the Fort Hall irrigation project to provide irrigation facilities for Indian lands situated in the southern portion of the Am P I 18 Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, commonly known as the Michaud ’ ' Flats, in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of such Act, _ This sum shall remain available until June 30, 1925. uu¥‘;¤%,¤gs¥{{ Rams For the relief of dispossessed allotted Indians of the Nis ual1· ·. . - . . , Q 5 In1(;$;gg;n»¤pos¤eea1 Reservation, Washington, $85,000, to remain available until June 30, ,,,.4,,,,, or 1925, and to be in full settlement of claims against the United States gs providigl ig the Acgt of April 28, 1924 (Public Numbered 105, ix y-e o ess . Y¤¤='°¤ 0m¢¤· lg Hgr PENSION orrrcn E‘°”“"“"g $“’g°°°’· For fees and expenses of examinin sur cons nsions or ices rendered within the fiscal year 19:24, pe 7 f serv Reclamation Service. RECLAMATION SERVICE rag·me¤r¤fr<>mr¤c1¤~ The following sums are appropriated out of the s ecial fun ‘ m°ii.if°ag,”f3i;ae, the Treasury of the United States created by the Ast of Junedll? 1902, and therein designated " the reclamation fund ”: ’