SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. 685 For all expenditures authorized by the Act of Jime 17, 1902 A“¤¤>¤¤¤*=· (Thirty-second Statutes, page 388) and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, known as the reclamation law and all other Acts under which expenditures from said fund are authorized, in- Sa, i . th D. _ cluding salaries in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; examina- trictaics m _ B is tion of estimates for appropriations in the iield; refunds for over- Sp°°m°d °b’°°°$ collections hereafter received on account of water-right charges, rentals, and deposits for other purposes; printing and {binding, not exceeding $15,000; purchase, maintenance, and operation of horse- prf,`°hj§’?$é,‘§am°g°S*° drawn or motor—prope11ed passenger·carrying vehicles; payment of pe L i ` damages caused to the owners of lands or private property of any kind by reason_of the operations of the United States, its officers or employees, in the survey, construction, operation, or maintenance of irrigation works, and which may be compromised by agreement between the claimant and the Secretar of the Interior; and payment for official telephone service in the iield hereafter incurred in case of official telephones installed in private houses when authorized under regulations established by the Secretary of the Interior: P,,,,,,,_ ` Provided, That no part of the sums herein appropriated shall be t,U¤¤f<jr;¤ev;¤¤¤S¢r¤¢~
for the commencement of construction work on any reclamation mums me '
project which has not been recommended by the Commissioner of eclamation and the Secretary of the Interior and approved by the President as to its agricultural and engineering feasibility and the reasonableness of its estimated construction cost: Second mms _ Secondary projects; For cooperative and miscellaneous investiga— mp I ` tions, yB3,1' Coopemtivg investi, Cooperative investigations: For cooperative investigations of the niggas- ts d _ feasibility of reclamation projects, including the Guernsey ReSe1‘— or mgm ` voir, of the North Platte project, Nebraska-Wyoming, the Spanish Springs projirct in Nevada, the O hee and Vale projects in Oregon, projects in the Salt Lake Basin ofviltah, the Kittitas Division of the Yakima project in Washington, and the Casper·Alcova project in Wyoming; including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and the purchase, repair, maintenance, hire, and operation of motor—propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying rama. vehicles, fiscal year 1925, $125,000; Provided, That hereafter the S,§Q’,§,_°,§,§‘°“°" "°'” Secretary of the Interior is authorized to receive moneys from any State, municipality, irrigation district, individual, or other interest, public or dprivate, expend the same in connection with moneys appropriate by the United States for any such cooperative investigation, and return to the contributor any moneys so contributed in excess of the actual cost of that portion of the work properly charge- D _ t d B able to the contribution. _ mm ° m°j°° ' North Platte irrigation project, Nebraska and Wyoming: For con- wlggfm P‘”“°· l`·°*"-‘ tinued investigations, commencement of construction of the Guernsey Reservoir, and incidental operations, $800,000; _ Salt Lake Basin irrigation project, Utah: For continued investi— U§§’,f L“k° B“"’* gations, continuation of construction, and incidental operations,
, , , , . . . Owyhee, oreg.
Owyhee irrigation project, Oregon: For continued investigations, commencement of construction, and incidental operations, $315*0QOi . . - · · Yakima. wash Yakima irrigation project, Washington: For contmued 1DV€§tr K,,,,,,,S mi, ‘ gation, commencement of construction of the Kittitas unit, and incidental operations, $375,000. » Narrdnan PARK smcvrcn N*‘“°““’ ""““‘ _For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance ,,,f,’ {f'°"*°°’ i° Wlth the Classification Act of 1923, fiscal year 1925, $2,700.