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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/725

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694 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. other enlisted men active and retired, temporary cooks and surfmen, . 7 . . . . substitute surfmen, and one civilian instructor, Hscal year 1925, $5 413 600. R°"°'“·‘ hor, rations or commutation thereof for petty officers and other enlisted men, fiscal year 1925, $290,500. F¤¤¥¤¤dw¤¤¤· For fuel and water for vessels, stations, and houses of refuge, fiscal year 1925, $1,103,500. _ °¤°¤*¤· °°°- For outfits, ship chandlery, and eng1neers’ stores for the same, fiscal year 1925 $519 700. w,§{;;‘<;’gjg ’*°¤*¤ °‘ For rebuildiiig arid repairing stations and houses of refuge, ' temporary leases, rent, and improvements of property for Coast Guard purposes, including use of additional land where necessary, fiscal year 1925 $39 800. $§{‘f,f*‘K§f’§,',,;’t,’§°°$· Forigggrgrgggiéit the provisions of the Act of June 4, 1920, fiscal . year . — ps'gZ;°1mg’ °°°" °x` For mileage; and expenses allowed by law for officers, and traveling expenses, per diem in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4 for other persons traveling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department, including transportation of enlisted men and applicants for enlistment, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash D . in lieu thereof, fiscal year 1925, $150,000. _ _ _ For contmgent expenses, including communication service, subsistence of shipwreckcd persons succored by the Coast Guard, for the recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and health of the enlisted men of the Coast Guard, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding $10,000; instruments and apparatus, supplies, technical books and periodicals, and services necessary to the carrying on of scientific investigation, experimental and research work in relation to telephony and radiotelegraphy, not exceeding $4,000; wharfage, towage, freight, storage, repairs to station apparatus, advertising, surveys, medals, labor, newspapers and periodicals for statistical purposes, and all other necessary expenses which are not included under any other heading, fiscal year _1925, $110,000. Bépaiisto mmm. For repairs to Coast Guard cutters, fiscal year 1925, $500,000. S¤¤r¤¢S¢rvi¤¤- SUPPRESSING COUNTERFEITING AND 0*1*111:1: Cannes ,8,§g;¥g’{;§§¤¤ °°“¤*°*”· For expenses incurred in suppressing counterfeiting and_other crimes, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1923, $756.62. Mrubiac rxaam sm- rustic HEALTH smzvicn raymenzpepmpmy Damage claims: To claims for damages to or losses of privatel °°m“‘°S °l“””" owned property adjusted and determined by the Treasury Deparg V°*·"2·F’-‘°°°· ment under the provisions of the Act approved December 28, 1922 (Forty-second Statutes, 1066), as fully set forth in House Documents Numbered 206, 263, and 291, reported to Congress at its pres- Publ, B mi ent session, $341.92. P ’° ‘“ “g’· manic Burnnmos “§§g¤`}’°’k '1"m¤”¤° New York (N. Y.) quarantine station: For removal of old Pier A, con;truct§éon$ of new pier, dredging boat basin, additional planking on ier 38 000. opmaagrom. Operating fdrce: For such personal services as the Secretary of the Treasury may. deem necessary in connection with the care, maintenance, and repair of all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, and so forth, including the same objects