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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/726

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specified under this head in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1924, $15,000.

Operating supplies.Operating supplies: For fuel, steam, gas for lighting and heating purposes, water, ice, lighting supplies, electric current for lighting,and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Treasury Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1924, 27,000.

War Department


Adjusted Compensation Act.
Administrative expenses of Department under.
Administrative expenses, World War Adjusted Compensation Act: For temporary personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, purchase, hire, exchange, and repair of typewriters, adding machines, and other mechanical devices, printing and binding, stationery, office supplies and equipment, telegrams, telephones, maintenance and operation of motor trucks, transportation of things, other necessary contingent and miscellaneous expenses,Rent of buildings, D.C. and rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of Columbia, if space is not provided by the Public Buildings Commission in Government-owned buildings, to enable the Secretary of War to perform such duties as are required of him by theAnte. p. 131. World War Adjusted Compensation Act of May 19, 1924, $3,600,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925:Proviso.
Office supplies from General Supply Committee for temporary use.
Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to issue to the Secretary of War, without charge, for temporary use, such surplus office supplies and equipment as may be under the control of the General Supply Committee.

Fort Story, Va.
Constructing roads at.
Roads, walks, wharves, and drainage: For the construction of a road at Fort Story, Virginia, $40,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925: Provided,Proviso.
To connect with State highway
That such road shall be constructed only to form a connecting link in the highway to be constructed by the State of Virginia.

Panama Canal.
Fire control stations.
Fire control, Panama Canal: The appropriation of $25,000 for the fiscal year 1922 for the construction of fire-control stations, the purchase and installation of accessories therefor, and for subaqueous,Reappropriation. sound, and flash apparatus and their development, provided in the Fortifications Act approved March 3, 1921,Vol. 41, p. 1351. shall remain available for obligation until June 30, 1925, for the purposes authorized by said Act.

Payment of property damage claims.Damage claims: To pay claims for damages to or losses of privately owned property adjusted and determined by the War Department, under the provisions of the Act approved December 28, 1922 (Forty-second Statutes, page 1066),Vol. 42, p. 1066. as fully set forth in House Document numbered 259, reported to Congress at its present session, $4,496.23.

Camp Knox, Ky.
Payment for land, etc., Dixie Highway.
Ante, p. 489.
Camp Knox, Kentucky: For the compensation of owners for land taken and for damages suffered incident to the construction and maintenance of the New Dixie Highway and the electric transmission line in the vicinity of Camp Knox, Kentucky, $30,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925.

Texas Cavalry brigades.
Bronze medals to members of.
Ante. p. 100.
Medals, Texas Cavalry: For procuring bronze medals of appropriate design with a bar and ribbon, together with a rosette or other device to be worn in lieu thereof, for issue to officers and enlisted men of Texas Cavalry, under the provisions of an Act approved April 16, 1924, $5,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925.

War contracts.
Use of balance for settling claims of foreign governments under, continued.
Vol. 42, p. 1550.
Settlement of Claims: The unexpended balance on June 30, 1924, of the appropriation "Settlement of claims of foreign governments and their nationals, 1923," contained in the Deficiency Appropriation Act approved March 4, 1923, is extended until June 30, 1925, for use only in settling the claims of foreign governments and nationals for supplies or services furnish for use of the American forces abroad.