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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/727

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696 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1924. F*°°°°°¤"°*· Control of Floods: For preliminary examinations and surveys ugialntgzivésggégfw with a view to the control of Hoods in accordance with the provi- °'°` sions of the Act approved May 31, 1924, fiscal years 1924 and 1925, as follows: North Branch of the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania 3361 l;ew;d1{orki{'$8,000 Al]l1a?·heny ggnd Monongahggg Rivers, $25,-

ay up iver, as gton, ,000; in a , ,000.


  • ’¤F’¤°¤°°'~ For payment of the final judgments and decrees, including costs

V°'·°*·¤- 5**5- of suits, which have been rendered under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1887, entitled "An Act to provide for the bringin of suits against the Government of the United States,” as amended by ° V°‘·3°·P·m"- the_Jud.icial Code, approved March 3, 1911, certified to Congress dur1ngqthelp;rem:en{3sessio;1 by gre Attp)rney General in Senate Docut 5 t N bered 303, ¤1¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤<>¤. gvdhibh hm not been dlplpeallled, 1(isi.1;5elyi)cumeD um and Under the Department of Labor, $10,340.66; gnger tllge '1Navy Dejgzgtment, $5,<;83;(12; n er the reasury partment, 1 01.64. Under the War Department, $412.25; in all, $17,937.67, together Eith such additignal sum ashmay be necessary to pszointerest on e respective ju gments at the rate of 4 per centum m the date thereof until the time this appropriation is made. ,,.,?$“,,_°“‘°"“ ‘”" For payment of zudgment, including costs of suit, rendered against the Government o the United States, by the United States District

G§0;‘0?)lgn 1éIl Distglct of Vigginia, sittig in aélmiraltyé

s uring e presen session m ouse ocumen Numbered 302, as follows: §"y,?$i‘;,; dem, Under the_p1;pvisions of an Act entitled "An Act for the relief

  • ¤,§.*;{°j£'b_,,,6_ of Th: Brovrg, approved February 26, 1923 (Private Numbered

§61,tSéxty-seve;1It2i},;6§3ongress,tfongrtg session, Forty-sepo&1% Sgttutes, a page amoun o ecree in avor o . o 1 Yummy wmmw $8,866.85, together with costs, $37.55; in all, $8,904.40. _ I- V g, awed under new For payment of judgments, includ1ng costs of suits rendered

  • %;,,.,,,8 mmm, ,1, against the Government of the United States by United States Diswxglwg trict Courts under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to

. ,p. 276. . . . _ provide further for the national security and defense by encouraging the_production, conserving the supply, and controlling the distri- $`t'2&’“t3fei.°.?;-1.$.r§".i‘$iE$.,§"1‘}..f‘1f};..?.‘€Pééliél."*"g`1i1“ 1°’ 591* me 1 in ouse ocumen D I Numbered 305 as follows: wu f Under the War Department, $427,511.45, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to [pay interest thereon at the legal rate per annum as and where speci ed in said judgments. ¤·i‘?3§”°°‘* °°“" °‘ JUDGMENTS, comzr or CLAIMS Pammoh For payment of the judgments rendered by the Court of Claims and reported to Congress during the present session in House Docu- Clmngum ment Numbered 301, namely: Under the Department o the Interior, $4,737.09; EESZZ EEZ iw D°pB2t“`$1“’ $t°’§Z%€“ reasury pa men . ; Fndar Department, $80:098.85; n a , . . m‘“‘°“"p°’“· _ None lof the judgments contained herein shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired.