766 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 87. 1925. freight for supplies purchased free on board factory, for the Trease artment an its severa ureaus an 0 ces 3 60. ury p d 1 b d Hi , $4 7,7 ¤£$i°ls°°°”C°m` GENERAL STTPPLY coumwmg ,, °'Yi°°’°"° Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with “The Classification Act of 1923 " not exceeding $7 5,000; necessary expenses, including office supplies and materials, énamtenance of mggogogrucksh tggiggbns, telephone service. and _ raveling expenses · in a .
For salaries ofiemployees, piiice equipment, fuel, light, electric
gy ‘°*’ ¤•¤*-‘*· current, telephone service, maintenance of motor trucks, and other necessary expenses for carrying] mto effect the Executive order of $§Z.?mE.?§ i2,££$L§€€`§1it‘ZgD€.&iZ€“E?f‘2¥0Ff ‘tm°°f“§*§“d?J€Z. $$3*; _ __ _ um 1a a 1 g in f_;';_${é•;,°m“mdt° use because of the cessation of war activities, $43,700: Pm/uwkied, 1¤¤¤=¤. mn. That the said Executiveorder shall continue in effect until June 30, 1926, without modification, except that the price charged shall be the current market value at time of issue, less a discount for usage, but in no instance shall the discount be more than 25 per centum, ang thqt plhzcproceelgg lthe-P transfer of appiiqpriations thereunersa cove mo e reasuryasmisce aneousreceits: d°I'f$;*g_°*°¢g*__ Prgqidjd fulyhfrésgggthehe heada olf ig; executive depailltmgnts ¤¤¤¤m¤,¤w. an m epen en s ents an the mmissioners o the District of Columbia shall cooperate with the Secretary of the Treasury in connection with the storage and delivery of material, supplies, and equipment transferred under the foregoing order and for eifecting the transfer or disposition of other surplus and waste material wg,S;s’°*°tgfj¤{°r¤gx°j or sglplphgz Pgocuffi Tirthér, Tliaté typpwxéigers and computing chances. mac es ans erre o e enera up mmittee I where such machines have become uniitpfbr further usgs the discretion of the Secretary of the_ Treasury, be issued to other Government departments an establishments at exchange prices quoted inn the current general schedule of supplies or sold _ commercia y. R)·‘Z‘”'? °§ °”f' Re airs to typewriting machines (except bookkee and billing g*;‘”';i°l°°·y uw Y machi)br;es) agi tile Gov%rnm1;2ntGservic? gn this Distriizltilif Columbia may m e a cost y the enera u C ittee t therefor to be effected by transfer and couliiiteiwagmt, chairgirign the proper appropriation and crediting the appropriation "General Supply Qpmmittee, Transfer of Office Material, Supphes, and Equip- Typewriting ma- menf . cum. No part of any money appropriated by thi th A t sh ll m{§Q‘§§‘,°€s gf, f,_,'*;f‘*°"d be used during the fiscal year 1926 for the piiirghgsiyof afi; sttandaiid typewriting machugeila eigzelpt booklgeepingl sand billing machines, at a rice m excess o e o owing or mo `th h` h will accommodate paper of the following width`;} to $;l§Iim'&e1i (correspondence models), $70; twelve inches, $75; fourteen inches, $77.50; sixteen mches, $82.50; eighteen inches, $87.50; twenty inches, $94; twenty-two mches, $9_5; twenty-four inches, $97.50; twent —six 1i§lhtes,t $103.58; t§?)1’;ty6eight inches, $104; thirty inches, $?l05; C y- wo mc es . ._ _
;':§°g;?.?$0°& [Zi All purchases of typewriting machines durin the fiscal ear 1926
‘ bly executive departments and independent estaglishments gw use in t e District of Columbia or in the field, except as hereinafter pro- Immediate mmm- vided, shall be made from the surplus machines in the stock of the my,?lfé,S.;£cv‘¥a{°Dg,g grieugal lSa1ip§ly Committee. The War Department shall furnish ggghu, e enc upp y Committee, 1mmed1ately upon the approval of this Act, a complete inventory of the various_makes, models, and classes of typewriters in its possession, the condition of such machines,