SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 87. 1925. 767 and the point of storage, and shall turn over to the General Supply Committee such typewriting machines in such quantities as the Secretary of the Treasury froin time to time may call for by specific requisition for sale to the various services of the Government. If chiiigewiiigggh nig} the General Supply Committee is unable to furnish serviceable ma- °‘°h°“¤°· chinw to any such service of the Government, it shall furnish unserviceable machines at current exchange prices, and such machines shall then be applied by the service of the Government receiving them as part payment for new machines from commercial sources in _ accordance with the prices fixed in the preceding paragraph. And ,,a"g.,°§$,§?°°° m pm in selling typewriting machines to the various services the General Supply Committee may accept an equal number of unserviceable machines as part payment thereon at the exchange prices quoted in the current general schedule of supplies. orrrcn or commssrounn or ACCOUNTS AND nnrosrrs p0*§‘@§°('§§,*§e_““" D°' For Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits and other personal 0d$,?¤¤¤¤¤iS¤i¤¤§¤ wd services in the District of Columbia, in accordance with "The Classi— wpemm ` fication Act of 1923," $20,540. nrvrsrou or BOOKKEEPING Arm WARRANTS w§,€’,°§§°;‘§E'$*ES;0E§,}* d _For the chief of the division, and other personal services in the 0¤$,,l§‘°p;Y§0‘i’,E§{°“’“d District of Columbia, in accordance with ‘ The Classincation Act of 1923," $164,386. · Contingent expenses, public moneys: For contingent expenses pu(i,ii'§u§.`$§I§§·§?°°”S°s’ under the requirements of section 3653 of the Revised Statutes, for R·S··”°·3°53**’·"°· the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money, transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, salaries of special agents, actual expenses of examiners detailed to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the Several depositories, including national banks acting as depositaries R S am m' under the requirements of section 3649 of the Revised Statutes, also '°‘ including examinations of cash accounts at mints and cost of insurance on shipments of money by registered mail when necessary, $200,000. _ Recoinage of gold coins: For recoinage of uncurrent gold coins ,,,,§{’°'“°‘° °' “°ld in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary R S sec am tm of the Treasury, as required by section 3512 of the Revised " 'p` ` Statutes, $3,000. Rmmm 0, mmm Recoinage of minor coins: To enable the Secretary of the Treas- coins. ury to continue the recoinage of worn and uncurrent minor coins of the United States now in the Treasury or hereafter received, and to reimburse the Treasurer of the United States for the difference between the nominal or face value of such coins and the amount the same will produce in new coin, $15,000. Deposits Division. nrvrsroiw or nnrosrrs Salaries: For the chief of the division and other personal serv- 0ai:ct.§`°p;`€;0d.i¤vi5°°’°°d ices in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $17,400. ,,,,,,,,0 Dm $6,,,,,5 rcanrc nnnr snnvrcn For necessary expenses connected with the administration of any ¤tr?g$¤!?Q€°°]‘ md public debt issues and United States paper currency issues with which the Secretary of the Treasury is charged, including rent in the District of Columbia, and including the Commissioner of the Public Debt and other personal services in the District of Columbia 45822**-25t-—-51