Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/853

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822 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. Cns. 199, 200. 1925. .M¤¥ be ·P¤¤i¤'·•¤d is hereby authorized to appoint by and with the advice and consent i!:°iiv';°·ui?:ir¤¤12sz.d°f’ of the Senate, Lieutenant Ridhard Evelyn Byrd, junior, United States Navy, a lieutenant commander on the retired list of the §{,°{,*§,,, pay'm_ Navy: Provided That nothing contained herein shall entitle Lieutenant Richard Evelyn Byrd, gunior, to any back pay or allowances. Approved, February 10, 1925. February 10, 1925. i ..;Hn3nl‘i*;L... G.E’.A.P. 00.—A A M ’ ' ‘. ¤·¤¤¤¤· No- M1 culture forihe acfysif .m3t§‘§5u2'§%'&"l3E"é?'T.Z.$°?0$*L‘1h].§°§’.?.$tp”3§é`$ °f Ag" D i Be it eruzctéd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the c,,1,§,i’§'§,“ §E','§f United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, namely:

  • ’·m¤"*°“¤·~ ormcn or THE sncnmuinr

ssnaxms Secmeurymsmaac For Secretary of Agriculture $12000· Assistant Secretar and muY,??°°°°1’ ma other personal services in the of Columbia, $513,937}; and Pr im for extra labor and emergency employments, $7,294; in accordance $,,7},,,8- umm ,0 with the Classification Act of 1923;_m all, $533,231: Provided, That

mt,r:_f¤¤A“¤¤d¤r in expending appropriations or portions of appropriations contained

` in this Act, for the payment for rsonal services in the l)istrict of V°'·“*“‘“* Columbia in accordance with "Thii Classification Act of 1923," the average of the salaries of the total number of persons under any _, grade m any bureau, office, or other appropriation unit shall not at H my om www any time exceed the average_of the compensation rates specified for inasradc. the grade by such Act, and m grades in which only one position is Not applicable to allocated the salary of such position shall not exceed the average amp:-mecnsnacsi of the compensation rates for the dgrade: Promded, That this re- "°‘1;‘°·med wm striction shall not apply (1) to gra es 1, 2,. 3, and of the clericaldmd_ '°‘ mechanical service, or 2) to require the reduction in salary of aniy v,,,_,,’,,_ ,m_ personjvhose compensation was fixed, as of July 1, 1924, m accor · p°g=g¤;>f¤r:":<,::1§¤y¤¤,2 ance with the rules of section 6 of such Act, (3) to require the reducauam. tion in salary of any person who is transferred from one position to Payments under another position in the same or different grade in the same or a difmgm me axons. ferent bureau, office, or other appropriation umt, or (4g to prevent the payment of a salary under any grade at a rate hig er t an the maximum rate of the grade when such higher rate is permitted by “ The Classification Act of 1923,” and is specifically authorized by M Q] otlipr lan;. d f

  1. _ ·¤*¤··¤¤¤· or sa aries an compensation 0 necessary em l th -

°1°y°°S l shops and power plant of the Departmeiitoiziicllkglricutltilri-lg,


miscnnnaimous nxrnssns, nnrsmmnrrr or Acmcmxronn ¤<>¤¤¤¤¤¤=e¤¤¤¤·¤<===- For stationery blank books twine pa r gum dr goods brushes, brooms, inats, oils, paints, glass, lismber, hizrdiiare, ice,Siiildl; water and gas lpipes, heating apparatus, furniture, carpets, and mattinge; for hg ts, freight, express charges, advertising and press clippings, telegraphing, telephoning, postage, washin towels, and necessary repairs and improvements to buildin and heating apparatus; for the purchase, subsistence, and care ogshorses and the purchase and repair of harness and vehicles, for officialpurposes only, including necessary expenses for the maintenance, repair, and opera-