Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/854

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sixrrY.n1GHtrH couonnss. Sess. II. os. zoo. 1925. 823 tion of an automobile for the official use of the Secretary of Agriculture; for the payment of the Department of Agriculture’s proportionate share of the expense of the dispatch agent in New York; for odicial traveling} expenses; and for other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for and necessary for the practical and efficient work of the department, $144,000. nmvr or aoimmos IN rm: DISTRICT or oonrmmx nm:. For rent of buildings_ and parts of buildings in the District of u,?‘}>°% °°°" i" Columbia, for use of the various bureaus, divisions, and offices of the Department of Agriculture, $196,866: Provided, That only such part {';gr‘*•,&,°¤ of this sum shall be available to pay rent for space which can not ` be furnished by the Public Buildings Commission in Government buildings located in the District of Columbia. For rent for the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, $10,000, to be paid from the funds transferred to the Department of Agricul- ‘“""’· ture by the War Department. ormcn or nnrronru. Aim DIS'1‘IRIB`UTION wom; ,,§,§*,§§;i°$y,,§§,‘f’ Im _Salaries: For chief of office and other personal services in the Dis- ,°,‘f§§{‘· “"“°“°°’°"

 p;0Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923,

General expenses, Office of Editorial and Distribution Work: For °°“"‘°"""““‘ miscellaneous objects of expenditiue in connection with the publication, indexing, illustration, and distribution of bulletins, documents, and repgrts, as follows: For bor-saving machinery and supplies, envelopes, stationery °"’°‘*""'¤'*‘°'*· and materials, office furniture and fixtures, photographic equipment and materials, artists’ tools and supplies, telephone and telegraph service, freight and express charges; purchase and maintenance of bicycles; purchase of manuscripts; traveling expenses; electrotypes, illustrations, and other expenses not otherwise provided for, and including not to exceed $2,980 for extra labor and emergency employ- ments in the District of Columbia, $32,280. rmiwrixc Ami nmnmc _ For all printing and binding for the Department of Agriculture www md M"` including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located m Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $738,000, in- ¤h{d111g the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, as re- ‘“"""’m°"°"‘ <¥1¤1‘9d by the Act approved January 12, 1895, and in pursuance of uvgg P- °¤°= "*·'· t e joint resolution numbered 13, approved March 30, 1906, and also ` Hlcluding not to exceed $250,000 for farmers’ bulletins, which shall *`°””°”"’°“°““· be adapted to the interests of the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion of four-fifths of which shall be illelivéered to or sent out under th; Bdilressed fragks fumishedhby e enators Re resentatives an e e tes in ongress, as they shall direct, but nldt including iwork doneiaii the Held rinting plants wut umpwt <>f_the Weather Bureau and the Forest Service authorized by the V0, 40, D mo Joint Committee on Printing, in accordance with the Act approved ` ` March 1, 1919. _ S _ orrrcn or nxrnnumm STATIONS oder. t mm _S8lj1ries: For chief of office and other personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $35,2.8c.