Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/961

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930 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 225. 1925. “““· CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE or ROADS, Bnmons, AND TRAILS, ALASKA B,§°;{*· °"d¢°°»“’**'-’· For the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads, tramwags, uSé,x?sm,£,&r egg girries, bpidgesi saild ga1ls(,1T<;r1§to1;1y3f Alaska,to bedexperig:>1d_un er . An _ _ e 10n 0 e_ oar 0 oa ommissioners escri _ IH secmvoi. a4, piissa tion 2 of an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the construction and mamtenance of roads, the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the District of Alaska, and for other purp0ses," approved anuary 27, 1905, as amended by “ Ellie Act approve? Ma; X4, 1906, andl to igegexpended conformably {0 _ _ e rovisions o said ct as amen ed 00000 to be immediate y ,¤iTfT".r{,".§i‘ °ii’,ii°°§L`E available. Hereafter when an approjiriatioii fdr this purpose for Wim! P"°‘ °° °¥’¥"°‘ any fiscal year shall not have been made prior to the 1st da of pmncns. _ _ _ Y March preceding the beginning of such fiscal year, the Secretary of War may authorize the Board of Road Commissioners to incur obligations or this purpose of not to exceed 75 per centum of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year then current, payment of these obligations to be made from the appropriation for the new fiscal year when it becomes available. mm wd “°"’°”· mvmzs AND Emmons Al¤i¤*<>,¤;3jgjgg{),efm· To be immediately available and to be expended nmder the direc» §on_of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of ngmeers: strgtqserwlins. tg:-_ or the dpreservation and maintenance of existing river and harbor ME p§§,;,§_.f" °" works, ag for th'; prosleputionlpf such projecits heretofore authorized as may e most esira e in the interests o commerce and na a- Bmmdary waters tion; for survey of northern and northwestern lakes, Lake oiughe ““"°y‘ Woods, and other boundary and connecting waters between the said lake and Igike Sluperilor, Lake Champlain, and ihe natural navigable waters em race in the navigation system o the New York canals including all necessary expenses for preparing, correcting, extend: ing, printing, binding, an issuing charts an bulletins and of in- N"? YM H¤*°°* vestigating lake levels with a view to their regulation- and for the deposits. . . . . . . 2 prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City, for pay of inspectors, deputy inspectcérs, crews, zindh oiiigio force, and for maintenance of patrol fleet an expenses 0 office 000 000. E‘***¤i*““°¤*· °‘°· For examinations, surveys, sind izontingencies of rivers and harbors

 to mum for which there maihe no special appropriation, $27 5,000: Provided,

mmm. That no part of t is sum shall be expended for any preliminary examination, survey, project, or estimate not authorized by law, M¤=¤*· S¤¤¤¤¤· muscm SHOALS D§>1;>_¤gg¤¤;¤aI_:I;>;f_;8<;g For gis contipixatipnscif the vggrg on Dgngm Numbered 2 on the Tennw . ’ nessee iver at usc e oa s a ama 040390 tobeimmediatel i{§,i;f‘§_‘§5J‘2'· available, and to apply on the contract imthorizatibn for this pi-Ojeg carried in the War Department Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years 1924 and 1925. Flood CODtfoi. FLOOD CONr1•R0L giifsigginrigévepfl Flood control, Mississippi River: For prosecuting work of flood 42, §, p' ’ ”` control in accordance wit the léirovisions of the Flood Control Acts S t H approved March 1, 1917, and _ arch 4,1929, $10,000,000. _ Ca§Q"“m“‘ ° ‘"'* Flood control, Sacramento River, California: For prosecut work V<>r 39, ¤· 948- of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Floudd Control Act approved March 1, 1917, $500,000.