Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/962

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SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 225. 1925. 93]. Narxoiun Homn ron Drsanmn Vonuirmm Sommns D}j_¤,§{gg¤v,§{·;1**;·;°§,>; sow . diFor suppprt of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol- S“;g"°‘ ers as 0 ows: _ Ceiitral Branch, Dayton, Ohio: Current expenses: For pay of gninirtcgeggiiiises. pilicers and gpncomrgiligsioneticddoiicelrs lpf thel hcéme, witlh such excep- 1ons as are ereina r no an their c er s wei masters and orderlies; chaplains, religious instruction, and eiitertagnment fdr the members of the home, printers, bookbinders, librarians, musicians, telegraph and telephone operators, guards, filanitors, watchmen, fire company, and propertly and materials purc ased for their use, including repairs; artices of amusement, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, musical instruments, and repairs not done by the ome; stationery, advertising, legal advice, payments due heirs of _ deceased members: Provide , That all receipts on account of the {',,‘{,'§,‘{g,, ,,0,,, d,. eifects of deceased members during the fiscal year shall also be avail- °°¤¤°d¤¤•>¤¤b¤¤· able for such payments; and for such other expenditures as can not properly be included under other heads of expenditure, $85,000. Subsistence: For apay of commissary sergeants, commissarg clerks, S¤*>¤*¤*¤¤¤¤· porters, laborers, b ers, cooks, dishwashers, waiters, and others employed in the subsistence department; food supplies purchased for the subsistence of the members of the home an civilian employees regularly employed and residing at the branch, freight, gfeparation, and serving; aprons, caps, and ]ackets for kitchen and n1ng—room ` employees; tobacco; dining-room and kitchen furniture and utensils; £akers’ and butchers’ tools and appliances, and their repair not done y the home $435 000. I H Household: Fei- furniture for oiIicers’ quarters; bedsteads, bed- H , ding, material, and all other articles, mcluding relpairs, required in the qluarters of the members and of civilian employees permanentl employed and residing at the branch; fuel; water; engineers andyiiremen, bathhouse keepers, janitors, laundry employees and for all labor,fmaterials, appliances rgicggiged for house old use and repairs,i not repai y the ome _ 00. Plospital: For pay of medical officers and assistant surgeons, ma- H°“’°°“" trons, druggists, hospital clerks and stewards, ward masters, nurses, cooks, waiters, readers drivers, funeral escort, ]amtors,_ and for such other services as may be necessary for the care of the sick; burial of the dead; surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, medicine, liquors, ruits, and other necessaries for the sick notpurchand under subsistence; bedsteads, bedding, and all other special articles necessary for the wards; hospitlgl fgrnitureg igizluding special articles and a li nces for hospita itc en an 'ning_ room· carriage, hearseijsitrgchers, coiiins; anlil for egl regzggs to hospital furimture and l` t d b the ome 360 . upI1i::;;?>x2idtior(il?GFc;· transporztatiori of members of the home, 'f¤¤=¤°**¤**¤¤· $1 000. _ . liepairsz For pay of chief engineer, builders blacksmiths, car- R°p‘“”· penters, painters, gas litters, electrical workers, plumbers, tinsmiths, steam litters, stone and brick masons, and laborers, and for all appliances and materials used under this head; and repgurs of roads_ and _ other improvements of a permanent character, 5,000: Pranded, §’,,,,,”‘"°,;,,,,,,,,,,, ,0,. That no part-of the appropriation for repairs for any of the branch ¤i¤¤¤¤· homes shall be used for the construction of any new building. Farm: For pay of farmer, chief gardener, harness makers, farm Fm hands, ardeners, horseshoers, stablemen, teamsters, dairymen, herd- GPS, am? laborers; tools, appliancesa and mateiginls trsegpiredséilr fapm, garden and dai work; grain an gram pr uc ay w ertilizers; seed, caiiiiages, wagons, carts, and other conveyances; ammals purchased for stock or work (including animals in the park);