66 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84. 1924. I¤*=<¤+¤*i¤¤ =¤¤· For purchase of labor-saving machines and supplies for same, °u°°°’°t°` including the purchase and exchange_ of registermgl accountants, numbering machines, and other machines 0 a s1m1 ar character, including time stamps for stamping date of receipt of official mail and telegrams, and repairs thereto, and p1u·chase of supplies for photographic copying machines, $20,000. _ _ _ 0•r¤¤¤.•¤=· For purchase of carpets, carpet border and lmmg, lmoleum, mats, rugs, matting, and repairs, and for cleaning, cutting, making, lay- in , and relaying of the same, by contract, $500. _ 1'¤*¤*°¤¤· §`or purchase of boxes, book rests, chairs, chair cane, chair covers, desks, bookcases, clocks, cloth for coveringedesks, cushions, leather for cover` chairs and sofas, locks, lum r, screens, tables, typewriters, iiglludin the exchange of same, wardrobe cabinets, washstands, water coolers grid stands, and for replacing other worn and _ unserviceable articles, ,500. °"“?‘"”‘{>‘,},",;,Y"f,’;,. For o ratin expenses of the Treasu De artment Annex Nummgmmu bered 1 IlcPenns?ylvania Avenue and Madison glace), including fuel, elegtric current, ice, ash remgvrtil, and mgsjcellaneous itgglis, $1§f500. A¤¤¢¤- F°¤*°¤¤¤*** or o ratin ex nses o reasury epartment nex um- °°dBSm°tS NW` bered 2 I&`ourt§enthPi1nd B Streets northwesg: For heating, electric current,_electric§i:l]2e(§;01gpment, ice, remov of trash, and miscellaneous e nses, , . ~ 1>¤r\>vB¤¤¤i¤¢· Darby Biiilding: For heating, electric current. electrical equip-
meg; aiiiad:i1Iil:1e11P?1ig*liZliul.c9l§1:2:8lildSS?i4}ie01(?1’iitendent of the State, War,
¢w-idigdi, ce supcrm- and Navy Department Buildings shall be responsible for the care, ‘§’,‘Q,,'i,‘§‘,§,,‘},{,§’ maintenance, and protection o the buildings known as Treasury Department Annex Numbered 2, located at Fourteenth and B Streets northwest, the Winder Building, located at Seventeenth and F Streets northwest, and the Cox Building located at 1709 New York Avenue northwest, all in the city of Washington, District of Colum- _ bia includingsthe furnishing of heat, gas, and electricity therein; i,,".§,};"','{,¥’..f{*‘.},,‘“‘“’ti$.?,’. and any fum appropriated therefor, together with all machinery, with •<• ¤¤*¤¤=¤=¤¢¤· tools, equipment, and supplies used, or for use, in connection therewith, shall be transferred on July 1, 1924, from the Secretary of the 3[)‘reasury toBth•fd1Sluperintendent of the State, War, and Navy e artment ui gs. S¤¤<¤¤<=fv- Sjtationeryz For stationery, including tags, labels, and index cards, printed in the course of manufacture for the Treasury Department and its several bureaus and offices, $350,000. m,%‘j'°‘S“¥’°"°°"" caiznuax. surrmr commrrrnn.
- ’°”°”°‘“°"""’“· Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia in
· accordance with ‘The Classification Act of 1923 " $39,780.
For salaries of employees, office equipment, fuel, light, electric
vm for <1¤r¤r¤¤¤¤¤. current, telephone service, maintenance of motor trucks, and other °°°' necessary expenses for carrying into effect the Executive order of December 3, 1918, regulating the transfer of office materials, suplies, and equipment in the istrict of Columbia falling into disuse §;w¤v;g·*b0¤,mu8d to gecause of the cessation of war activities, $115,840: Provided, That June 30,19z5. the said Executive order shall continue in effect until June 30, 1925, without modification, except that the price charged shall be the current market value at time of issue, less a discount for usage, but in no instance shall the discount be more than 25 per centum, and that the proceeds from the transfer of appropriations thereunder shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Provided
¤m:’ di: further That the heads of the executive departments and independ-
¤¤¤s¤,¤¤¤. ent estalbhshments and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall cooperate with the Secretary of the Treasury in connection