SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84. 1924. G7 with the storage and delivery of material, supplies, and equipment transferred under the foregoing order and for effecting the transfer or disposition of other surplus and waste material or supplies: Provided further, That typewriters and computing machines trans- w§l,§’,S°f°,‘,§““*,0§Y§;{ ferred to the General Supply Committee as surplus, where such ¢¤¤¤z¢€· " machines have become unfit for further use, may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, be issued to other Government departments and establishments at exchange prices quoted in the current general schedule of supplies or sold commercially. Ro 8, t t 1, Repairs to typewriting machines (except bookkeeping and billing e¤¤$s¤i8ppi>y<i'4l)¤iiviiii» machines) in the Government mrvice in the District of Columbia °°°· may be made at cost br the General Supply Committee, payment therefor to be effected by transfer and counter warrant, charging the proper appropriation and crediting the appropriation “General Supply Committee, Transfer of Office Material, Supplies, and E uipment." (llc part of any money appropriated by this or any other Act cb'fZ,§?""**“‘ ““" shall be used during the fiscal year 1925 for the purchase of any mgggsos of gtggdgia standard typewriting machines, except bookkeeping and billing {014925. °S° IS machines, at a price in excess of the following for models with carriages which will accommodate paper of the following widths, to wit: Ten inches (correspondence models) $70; twelve inches. $75; fourteen inches, $77.50; sixteen inches, $82.50; eighteen inches, $87.50; twenty inches, $94; twenty-two inches, $95; twenty-four inches, $97 .50; twenty,-six inches, $103.50; twenty-eight inches, $104; thirty inchelp, $105 ;ft· irty-two inches, $107.50é h HS An be All pure ases o typewriting machines urin the cal ear °° 1925 by executive departments and independent egstablishmentsyfor 1 sm of use in the District of Columbia or in the field, except as hereinafter provided, shall be made from the surplus machines in the stock _ _ of the General Supply Committee. The War Department shall Wa‘},"’,§?,j furnish the General Supply Committee, immediately upon the ap- ¤¤¤¤F¤;¤(§ ¤¤>¤k to be proval of this Act, a complete inventory of the various makes, ` models, and classes of typewriters in its possession, the condition of such machines, and the point of storage, and shall turn over to the General Supply Committee such typewriting machines in such quantities as the Secretary of the Treasury from time to time may call for by specific requisition for sale to the various services Umwhmb, — of the Government. If the General Supgly Committee is unable cum ¤u¤wea°m”§:Z to furnish serviceable machines to any suc service of the Govern- °"‘“"°· ment, it shall furnish unserviceable machines at current exchange prices, and such machines shall then be applied by the service of the Government receiving them as part payment for new machines from commercial sources in accordance with the prices fixed Ampmm in pm in the preceding paragraph. And in selling typewriting machines mmm. to the various services the General Supply Committee may accept an equal number of unserviceable machines as part payment thereon at the exchange prices quoted in the current general schedule of supplies. orricn or coarmrssioxrm or ACCOUNTS AND nnrosrrs. p0*;§°g},'g,_““d D°‘ For Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits and other ersonal 0,,§c‘;";Pl¤§,S‘,,‘;,’;$f· md services in the District of Columbia, in accordance witfi “The Classification Act of 1923," $18,180. nrvisiox or Booxximrxim AND wAnnAN·rs. w “"° For the chief of the division and other personal services in the °,,§Q,‘§°$"""‘° District of Columbia, in accordance with “The Classification Act of 1923," $166,160.