68 SlXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. S1·:ss.I. Ch. 84. 1924. C°P‘i“$°“*°‘p°”S°S· Contin nt ex enses, public moneys: For contingent expenses pu1iii]§.?i&.P°ais.sés,p.v1e. under the·equird)ments oi) section 3653 of the Revised Statutes, for the collection, safe—keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money, transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, salaries of special agents, actual expenses of examiners detailed to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the several depositories, including national banks acting n.s.,s¤¤.ss4o,p.ns. as depositaries under the requirements of section 3649 of the Revised Statutes, also including examinations of cash accounts at mints and cost of insurance on shipments of money by registered mail when necessary, $160,000. ¥*¤¤¤i¤¤m¤ of s¤1<1 Recoinage of gold coins: For recoinage of uncurrent gold coins °°"’°` in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Secre- R·S··“°°·°m·"·“‘“· tary of the Treasury, as required by section 3512 of the Revised Statutes, $3,000. _ _ §_¢:=¤i¤¤¤¤ ¤¥ ¤=¤¤ Recomage of minor coins: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury °° to continue the recoinage of worn and uncurrent minor coins of the United States now in the Treasur or hereafter received, and to reimburse the Treasurer of the Uynited States for the difference between the nominal or face value of such coins and the amount the same will produce in new coin, $10,000. D·r>¤¤**= m'*='-*°¤- nrvrsrorr or mirosrrs. ,,§§,§‘ 'md Salaries: For the chief of the division and other personal services in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $17,780. P°bH° Dm S°m°°’ rmzmc nmrr smzvres. °m¤¤ ¤°¤°¤¤¤* me For necessary expenses connected with the administration of an mm public debt issues and United States paper currency issues with, which the Secretary of the Treasury is charged, including rent in the District of Columbia, and including the Commissioner of the Public Debt and other personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classihcation Act of 1923,
- ,,d"°',*’,im'”t,,,pmp,i,. $3,416,000
- Provided, That the indefinite appropriation “Expenses
¤¢;5¤°}j¤,%•i¤;,‘}¤,;*,9°~ of Loans," Act of September 24, 1917, as amended and extended, shall not be used during the fiscal year 1925 to supplement the approgeriation herein made for the current work of the Public Exrsnmmdumw Dilzt rvice. _ _ _ - · mea wp. or expenses incident to the discharge of the duties imposed fig}-j{,;¤;;_4,*g,, vo, upon the Secretary of the Treasury by the Transportation Act, 1920, 41,pp.3$.1145. the Federal Control Act, approved March 21, 1918, as amended, W, ,0 pp, S5. E8, and_fcr expenses arising in connection with loans and credits to ¤o4,e44,im. foreign governments under the Lrberty Loan Acts and the Victory Liberty Loan Act and in connection with credits granted V·>¤· *1- P· “°· or conditions entered into under the Acts providing for the relief ven. 41. p. ma of populations in Europe and contiguous countries, and in connection with credits granted or conditions entered into under the Act providing for the sale of surplus war material, including per- _ sonal services in the District of Columbia, $9,100. ,,_,:g?,,°f*'° ¤°¤°"°' Distinctive paper for United States securities: For distinctive mguauuries ¤¤¢¤¢¤- paper for United States currency, national-bank currency, and Fed- ‘ eral reserve bank currency, not exceeding 157 ,500,000 sheets, includ- P ing transportation of paper, traveling, mill, and other necessary °"°"°"°"i"°°‘ expenses, and salaries of employees and expense of officer detailed from the Treasury Department, $50 per month when actually on duty; in all, $1,095,000.