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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1390

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1350 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 302, 303. 1927.

 of Indians and the United States or any subsequent Act of
 afecting said um which claims have not heretofore been

determined and padjudica u n their merits by the Court of Claims or the Supreme Court. 0 the United States. w,'§_*"• '°‘ “*'* ’°“‘ Sno. 2.. The claims of said tribe shall be presented by petition, subject, however, to amendment at any time. The suit under this Act shall be instituted or petition filed in the Court of Claims within this ygarglfrocgg the idx; céagxpfoval eg tlhisvécth guch suit shall m e e one ' ians o t e in iver Reserva- “ A tion party plaintiff andthe United States party defend- V•¤¤¤•¤¤•·•¢¤— ant; The petition shall be ver15ed_ upon information and belief by the attorngy or attorneys employes by tribe to prosecéutieusaid c ims un er contract ap rove y t ommissioner o ian

  • '*°¤¤¤¤ •<*¤***•d· Audairs and the oi)the Interior. Letters, mem, documents,

and public records, or certified copies thereof, ring upon the claims <preseuted,’may be used in ev1dence· and the departments of Government shall give the attorney of said tribe access to an such iletmlgsgdpapem, ilocumexgts, gr publicbaregordsédanda shagl fiirmsli cert' copies o a t ereo as may eem materia . ,,,9,g';'gg°‘d,*}“P}§· °*‘*· Seo. 8.(}n saiddsluig iyljle ricyurtgsihgltl also heaxi, examine, and gdjudi- tean aims 'c e ni atesma aveagainstsai trib git including gratuities which the United States ma? Prom have m e to sai tribe, shal _not operate as an estopyilel, but may be 1,,,,,,,,, mt ,,,md_ leaded as an offset m such suit: Provided, however, at the Umted States may interpose to such suit or action any and all pleas of defense, _ tive and negative, legal and equitable, which it may have not hereiiiuspfecdicallyx larred blye tljle prgvisions of this D¤¤¤¤,*¤b¤1¤*¤¤Act. reerenceto caimsw'c may tesujectmattero diana °°°°°m°°°u.the suits he1%ei1ha(;1thorized,fthe decree of tl&ebcou1k;t%1”0all be in fulj settlement o a amages 1 any committe y t e vernment o the United States and shixll anndl and cancel all claim, right and title of the said Shoshone Indians in and to such money, lands, or vther p¤>1>¤r*y· m$Q“*§¤,g¤d;g_*é_” °° Sno. 4. Iglpon final determination of such suit or suits the Court of Claims all have jurisdiction to iix and determine a reasonable fee, not to exceed 10 per centum of the recovery, together with all necessary and proper expenses incurred in preparation and prose- cution of the suit? to paid to the attorniyii emplofed by said Shoshone Tribe o Indians, and the same sh be inc uded in the decgee aid shall be paid out of any sum or sums found to be due sai tri 1¤¤•¤fx>r¤¤¤¤.¤¢¤· Sno. 5. The Court of Claims shall have full authority b proper . . . . Y orders and srocess to bring in and make parties to said suit any or all perésotilis eeaiézd by 1t. necessary or proper to the final determina- tion o e ma rs 1n controversy. mimwxw AEs‘?a$, ‘°e§°p’i°i.ih$h*§°?i?€`8.i“§t‘§t*L.s"it ihlil b3f°"°d “*€€“ th; nera ni an some a orne gem the tglepartmentl 0; }`l to lg: desigréattledtltgly hiéngis hereby a pearan een t ein restso e nite tates. w%°¤d•;?gm¤g;g“§Q Sino. amphuuts which may lie fgundldue and recovyzred fo; ummm. sai tri un er e provisionso t is ct yes: attorneys ees an expenses, shall be defgsited in the Treasury of the United States to I"°"‘" ‘“°"'°°‘ the credit of said tri and shall draw interest at the rate of 4 per centum per amium from the date of the judgment or decree. Approved, March 3, 1927. M.? CHAP. 303.-An Act Authorizi§ the President to apgoint and retire cer- [ _ Norm. tainpersons iirstlieutenants in the. edical Corps, United tates Army. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the amy. United States of America in Gmzgreas assembled, That the President