SIXTY·NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 303-305. 1927. 135]. is authorized to a int an erson retired under the last revise M°“°**° · of section 1, Chagtgg XVII; gf the Act entitled "An Act »°:•%ii ap ropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year \t;d.40.D·8$. ending June 30 1919," approved July 9, 1918,a first lieutenant Medical Corps United States Army, and to retire such person and lace him on the retired list of the Army as a first lieutenant with {he retired pay and allowances of that grade. Approved, March 3, 1927.` Mme um. CHAP. 804.—An Act To amend section 8 of the Act makin appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the [P“b”°· N°· W'- Hscal year ending June 30, 1914, and for other purposes, approved March 4, 1913. Be it enacted by t}5eSe·nate and Home of Re reaentatives of the United States of Amerika in Oongreaa assembled That section 8 of £f,’,,",},,°‘U°{,,§°,‘§},,“‘{;‘],’,"g; the Act making app)ropriations to provide for the expenses of the ¤¤*,;¤,j,¤g, m_mm_ overnment of the istrict of Columbia for the fiscal year ending ai ` ’p ima 30, 1914 and for other gurposes, approved March 4 1913 (Thirty-seventh United States tatutes, page 974), be amended by adding a new gahragralph, numbered 42a, to read as follows: “ Par. 42a. at t e expenses of any investigation, valuation, ,,§,'§§,$,2°2§§§l§§;¤§°§"; revaluation, or o any nature made by e Public Utilities °““‘>' “’°°'°°· Commission o e an pu lic utility operating in the District of Columbia shall be borne by the public utility investi ted, valued, A mmm revalued, or otherwise as a special franchise tax in adaditiou to all ax. mm other taxes imposed by law, and such expenses with 6 per centum interest maly be charged to operatingoexpenses and amortized over such perio as the Public Utilities mmission shall deem ro er D mm in mmm and be allowed for in the rates to be charged by such utility. men need; mm me as any such investigation, valuation, revaluation, or other roceeding °°"“‘ '°"“*’°d· is begun the sai Public Utilities Commission may callpupon the utility in question for the deposit of such reasonable sum or sums as, in the opinion of said commission, it may deem necessary from time to time until the said gigoceeding is com leted, the money so paid to be deposited in the easury of the lihited States to the credit of the a propriatien account known as “ Miscellaneous trust fnmd deposit, District of Columbia " and to be disbursed in the manner revided for b law for other expenditures of the government of the District of Colixmbia, for such Ipgrposes as mg be approved by the Rum 0, d_ Public Utilities Commission. y unexpend balance of such sum summa I or sums so deposited shall be returned to the utility depositing the mu. same: Provided, That the amount expended by the commission in ,,’{,,‘§',§f,{_°'°"‘°°°°°°' any valuation er rate case shall not exceed one- alf of 1 per centum of the existing valuation of the company investigated, and that the amount expended in all other investigations shall not exceed one- tenth of 1 per centum of the existing valuation for any one company for any one year. ‘ Approved, March 3, 1927. · umn a, um. CHAP. 305.-An Act To provide for the elimination of the Michigan Avenue grade crossing in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. [Pub °· N°· M —Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Arnerzba in Congress assembled, That the {?§d",{"{,, Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and theiy are hereby, §j,*g_{{¤;*Y.{1*},°··g{!,¤g authorized and directed to construct a viaduct an approaches asumuuwn. to carry Michigan Avenue over the tracks and right of way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company in accordance with plans
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