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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1396

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1356 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sasa. II. Cns. 309-311. 1927; ,,§_';,,,°‘”’*·,,,,,_,*°°°‘°·,, and may call upon Federal department board, .or commission °°°' forassistmmmmrugngout the purposesbf this;Aet; and shall have thepower to appoint, remove, and fix the compensation of such others and employees not in conflict with existinglaw and make at @******.;:***;*1 *0* "‘¥,‘.fz,]‘2;"°l"° *2** mss C2 r.·:**·— ¤*:::i:s egrams ep ones, o re erence A o peri c uewspapeis, furniture, stationery, oilice eduipment, travel, and other l I I l supp °es and expenses as shallbe deemed necessary to the administra- reramnu. · tion of this Act in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and there is hereby authorized_ to be appropriated, out of any moneys in the

 “°“ °$€""“§ ‘*""`°5l““s*?Q;Fh° S“’EJ’i $25’°°$}§i° bi "1’35i`

e or expen ure urmg e year gmnmg y and the appropriation of such additional sums as may be ne thereafter to carry out the purposes of this Act is here y author' . ,'•*¤¤*, €*_;__*¤°••¤°*. 'I‘h1s~Aot.shall not abrogate nor nulhfy any other statute, whether Stateor Federal, dealing with the same sub]ects as this Act, but it IS —~ intendodthat all such statutes shall remain in full force and efect, gxcept in so far only as they are inconsistent herewith or repugnant . ereto. ,,H‘Q,.,”“§,*."{,°‘.;;"1,’°5’g. Sno. 4. Ifany provision of this Act isdeclared unconstitutional ¤¤*¤°*°'*°‘· or the aplplicability thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, l e validity of the remainder of the Act and the applica- abihtgeof such provisions to other persons and circumstances shall not affected thereby. · » ` Approved, 3, 1927. Much. . —[——l;l—-,-— P 810.-An Act Placing certain noncommissioned omoers in the first · ‘ e. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §',§‘,§{,g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following g-(7*; ¤¤•¤•¤ le ¤¤* noncommissioned officers on the retired list of the Regular Army are placed in the first grade: Post ordnance sergeants, post_comxnis— sary sergeants, and postquartermaster sergeants on the retired list; electrician sergeants, first class, Coast Artillery Corps, retired; quartermaster sergeants, Quartermaster Corps, retired prior to June 3, 1916.; hospital stewards retired prior to March 2, 1903, and sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps, retired prior to June 3, 1916. W Approved, March 3, 1927.

 CHAP. 311.-—-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to modify

°- n*·?reemeé1tt:t;eretofore made for the settlement of certain claims in favor of the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Nvv- o, mw United States of Americain Congress assembled, That Secretary ment ol certain amp- of tl; llavgmbeéebaad he €sfl·1ereb§,};1t1;thor1?e;ll, 1nUhi%x£et1on,t}to "§,,,‘2§ ‘“`acce m emen omre rso e m ates e ` present value reckoned at the rate of 41,4 per centmn per annum simple · mterest of all noninterest-bearing obligations for the repayment of money advanced to_ said debtors to assist them in carrying out cophtracts withhiile Umted States tegntered duringfthe late war, su contracts v' execu by the reta o the Na n behalf of the Unix? States or by others acting unzzr his authbiiiily. Approved, March 3, 1927.