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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1397

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SIXTY-NINTH couensss. sm 11. oss 312, 313. 1927. 13157 GIA!. 812.-··An Act For the relief of the Lucy Webb Hayes National Train- N¤E¤¤$h!¤7- ing School for Deaconesses and Missionaries. . -—[-—l————]—r— P H Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Representation 0 the United States of 3f4me1·ica in Oongress assefnbled, That neithe; the £1?§i°°s$°i1i31i°i°1i°:?i:i corporate existence nor the validit of the acts and authority of g’c{,f,{,$”g,{,_T'*‘“ “' the Lucy Webb Hayes National School for Deaconesses ' and Missionaries nor of the persons pur rting to act as its oiiicers shall be affected by the failure of said o£<?ers heretofore to make or 1rr¤z¤1¤ri¤¤¤ 1¤_pr¤- to record the making of by-laws or to make a record of the election ‘:,§'§°§.;.°°:.g`{.¤¤.°,}}i of trustees, directors, or managers of said corporation, as duly incorporated for the term of twenty years by the name of the National Trainin School for Missionaries, Nzovember 9, 1894, under the laws of the gistrict of Columbia, as will appear b reference to incorporation book 7, pa e 1, in the oilice of the recordier of deeds of said .District; nor shall: such existence or validity be aifected by any insuiliciency, irregularity, or defect in the proceedings undertaken to change its name to the Lucy Webb Hayes National Training School for Deaconesses and Missionaries, January 4, 1908, as will aé>pear by reference to incor ration book 25, pigs 285, in the o ce of said recorder of deed; nor by any ins ciency, irregularity, or defect in the p%ceedings undertaken to make its existence perpetual, on November , 1914, as will appear by reference to incorporation book 31, page 53, in the oilioe f said recorder of deeds; nor by any insuiliciency, irregularity, or deciect in the appoint- ment or elgction of the persgnshun ertakmg to ulaoct as its odfggrs or trustees su sequent to an o ,t e- roceedi ve mentio . ·* Sao. 2. That Ida H."goode, Lfdry Leoliiggd Woodruff, Jane H. T'°“°°° °°°‘°'°°°‘ Freeman, May Conant Fruit, William T. Galliher, Charles S. Cole, G. Ellis Wi `ams, Maurice Otterback, and Merrill C. Slutes are hereby declared to be the persons now constituting the said Lucy Webb Hayes National Trainin School for Deaconesses and Mis- sionaries, a body corporate, witi perpetual existence, and they and P°"°"• °‘°~ · their successors are ereby given authority by a majority vote to adopt by·laws to carry out the corporate objects of said corporation. Prior to the adoption of such by-laws, the persons above men- tioned, or a ma'ority of them, shall constitute the trustees of said corporation and] shall have full power and authority to perform · all corporate acts. . _ Sac. 3. That all things heretofore done or attemptedto be done vgfgnmgr Jews. •t¤- by the said National raining School for Missionaries or by the ' ` said Lucy Webb Ha es National Training School for Deaconesses and Missmnaries or tlie persons acting as its otlicers or trustees, as mentioned or referred to in the first section of this Act, be, and the same are, in all respects, hereby validated, ratified, confirmed, and a roved. PSM. 4. That nothing in_this Act shall be held to limit or lessen ,q,’§§_ &‘*“§,,,*{§'§§ any power, right, or privilege now possessed or engoyed by said lmby. corporation. Approved, March 3, 1927. mm :4, um. CHAP. 318-—An Act To urchase a ' tin of the several shi of the United States Navy in 1891 arid entitled "£:“ace."g ps bu°· N°· ”°· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rezprésentatrives 0; the ··1·ws,·# on rum- Umlted States og Amerwba in Oongress assemb ed, That the oint *°§;,,,,, Commmm on Committee on e Library of the House of Representatives and g¤¤L¤bmry wrhoigirgg Senate be, and is hereby, authorized to purchase from the owners, C,'§1°{§`}°°°'°°" the heirs of its painter, Walter L. Dean, the oil painting known as