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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1400

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1360 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. CH. 318. 1927. Mount Diablo meridian, and running thence west over two miles to the southeast corner of section 30 in said township; thence south one mile, tnen west one mile to the township line, thence south about two and one—half miles, thence east throug the center of section 7, township 15 north, range 10 west, to section 8 of township 15 north, range 10 west; thence south about three miles to the center line running east and west throu h section 29 of the said township; thence east to the west line 0% section 28 of said township; thence south one-half mile, thence east one-quarter mile, thence south one·quarter mile, thence east one·quarter mile, thence south one-quarter mile thence west one quarter mile, thence south one and one-half miles, thence west one-quarter mile to the southeast corner of section 5, township 14 north, range 10 west; thence south four and one-half miles, thence east one mile, thence south one-half mile, thence east to the southeast corner of section 34 of said township; thence south to the southeast corner of section 10 in township 13 north, range 10 west; thence west one mile, thence south one—half mile, thence west one miie, thence south one-half mile, thence west two miles, more or less, to the range line between ranges 10 and 11; thence north one mile, thence west one mile, thence north one mile, thence west one mile, thence north one mile, thence west one mile, thence north one mile, thence west one mile, thence north one mile, thence west one mile to the southwest corner of section 29, township 14 north, range 11 west; thence north one and one-half miles, thence west one—half mile, thence north one-half mile, thence west one—half mile to the range line between ranges 11 and 12 west; thence north two miles, thence east two miles, thence north one mile, thence west one—half mile, thence north one—half mile, thence west one—half mile, thence north one-quarter mile, thence west one mile, thence north three- uarter mile, thence west one—half mile, thence north one-half mile, [thence west one-half mile to the southwest corner of section 24, township 15 north, range 12 west; thence north about four miles to the township line between townships 15 and 16; thence east about one mile to the northwest corner of section 6, township 15 north, range 11 west; thence north about one and one-half miles to the center of section 30, township 16 north, range 11 west; thence east one-half mile, thence north one-half mile, thence east two miles, thence north about two and one-half miles to the center line running east and west throu h section 10, township 16 north, range 11 west; thence east about gmr miles to the west line of the California National Forest at the east line of section 7 , township 16 north, range 10 west; thence following the west boundary of said California National Forest east one mile, more or less, thence south one—half mile, thence east one mile, thence south one mile, thence west one mile, thence south one mile, thence east one mile, and then continuing south on the west line of said California National Forest one mile P,,,,,,,,_ to the place of beginning: Provided, That the boards of supervisors p0§g<>¤§£m¤¤rfL{;Sl°,$_§ld of the counties in whic said lands are located, respectively, shall mguiiiacaéf make and enforce all such local, police, sanitary, and other rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the rights of the United States therein, as may be necessary for the preservation and such use of said lands by the public, for t e fpreservation of order therein, and for the purpose of securing avorable conditions of water flows 1 No ¤xc1¤siv¤ privi- therefrom. No exclusive privilege shall be granted for the use or qlhwrui ngms ma occupancy of any part of said lands: Provided further, That this ““°°‘*"*· Act shall not defeat or aifect any lawful right which has already log,/lynx permits el- attached under the dpublic lands aws:_ Provided further, That the ` ` public lands herein escribed shall continue subject to all the mining aws of the United States, and nothing herein shall prohibit any person from entering upon said lands for the purpose of prospecting,