SIXTY-NINT1-I CONGRESS. Snss. II. Cns. e1e-sis. 1927. 1359 CHAP. 316.-—An Act To authorize the sale of the Buckeye Target Range, ¤gI¤cb 3, MP ·*"‘°"‘· p ·71<i.—·····—·bi£1$Zl`Z;}.1 Be at enacted % the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of merica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Army. _ of War is hereby authorized and directed to sell the Buckeye Target a£,`§§k`Kiz.,q€0”°£§ Range, consisting of the east half of section 30 and the southeast ’°‘°· uarter of section 19, township 1 north, range 3 west, Gila and Salt %iver base and Meridi Arizona, and to dispose of the roceeds $§,‘{f’f,°"’,; 6, of such sale, as is provieilii bydthe Act of Congress, approvedgiay 12, ' ` ` 1917 (Fortieth Statutes at rge, page 67), provi mg for the sale PWM of target ranges acquired bytepurc ase: Provided, T at said land snemdmmmens. shall be sold at publ1c sale a r such advertisement and under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 317.-An Act To accept the cession by the State of Arkansas of exclusive jurisdiction over a. tract of land within the Hot Springs National Park, lP¤blw» N0- 720·l and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the T _ United States of America in Uongress assembled That the condi- p,ll£f.lY£lF‘§°°°°°“ tional cession and grant to the United States of exclusive jurisdiction ,¤·*f§,°,{’,"jf‘fg’,¤‘;,§L,f”°* over that part of t e Hot Springs National Park known as the public l>¤¤¢ri¤¤¤¤- cam ground and described as follows: Commencing at the stone marking at the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 33, township 2 south, range 19 west, thence east for five hundred and twenty-eight feet along the south line of the southwest uarter of section 27, township 2 south, range 19 west, thence north parallel with the reservation line for one thousand three hundred and twenty feet to the north line of said southwest quarter of the southwest guarter of section 27, township 2 south, range 19 west, thence west or {ive hundred and twenty·eight feet along north line of said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 27, township 2 south, range 19 west to the east line of Hot S rings National Park, ` thence south along the line of Hot Springs §ational Park to the lace of beginning, in the count§ of Garland, State of Arkansas, being a part of the Hot Springs ational Park, made by act of the Legislature of the State o Ar ansas, approved March 27, 1925, are hereby accepted, and the Jprovisions of t e Act approved April 20, {;f,,‘f’,_§_";f’*}g‘§. {im 1904, as amended by the cts of March 2, 1907, and March 3, 1911, $,59-$518: Volggg. pI relating to the Hot Springs Mountain Reservation, Arkansas, are ’ "2’°` ' hereby extended to sai land. Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 318.-An Act To withdraw certain public lands from settlement and Mm ioilgll __ gn|;;·y_ . [Public, No. 721. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgpresentati/ves of the United States of America tn. Ooniziress assemb ed, That all public §*ggg;gg;¤· 0, in lands of the United States wit in the boundaries hereinafter cauromss mr mlm- described are hereby withdrawn from settlement, location, sale and °°°‘° "“'°°°°“‘ entry under the pub ic land laws of the United States for recreational purposes, for preserving the right of the public to hunt and fish thereon as on other pub ic lands of the UDItBd States, and securing favorable conditions of water iiows. The lands herein referred to are located in the State of California and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the west line of the California National Forest at Description:. the northeast corner of section 33, township 16 north, range 10 west,
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