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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1402

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1362 , SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. CH. 320. 1927. any mental or physical disability or disabilities of a permanent character, not the result of his own vicious habits, which so incapaci- tate him for thc performance of manual labor as to render him unable to earn a. support, shall, upon making due proof of the fact, according to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the xmiegrm disability. Interior may provide, be placed upon the pension roll of the United States and be entitled to receive pension not exceeding $50 per month and not less than $20 per month, proportionate to the degree of inability to earn a su port; and in determining such inability each and every infirmity sliall be duly considered and the aggregate of the disabilities shown shall be rated, and such pension shall com- mence from the date of Bling of the application in the Bureau of Pensions, after the passage of this Act, upon proof that the disability or disabilities then existed, and shall continue, during the existence zgggwon thereof: Provided, That any such person who has reached the age ` of s1xt£—two years shall, upon making proof of such fact, be placed upon t e pension roll and entitled to receive a pension of $20 per month; in case such person has reached the age of sixty—eight years, $30 per month; in case such person has reached the age 0 seventy- two years, $40 per month; and in case such person has reached t e _ age of seventy- ve years, $50 per month. §7g€,°"}§‘,,"°§$§‘,,;, 0, Sno. 2. If any person who rendered service as described in section huslmd- 1 of this Act or who died in service irrespective of len th of service, has since died, or shall hereafter die, leaving a widiiw, or minor children under the age of sixteen years, such widow shall, upon due proof of her husband’s death, without proving his death to be the result of his military service, be placed on the pension roll from the Auowam ,0, cm date of Bling the application therefor under this Act, at the rate am. of $30 per month during her widowhood, and shall also be paid $6 per month for each child of such person under sixteen years of age, and in case there be no widow, or one not entitled to pension and in the event of the death, remarriage, or forfeiture of title of T hum, _d the widow, the child or children under sixteen years of age of the miiigd, I mm °w soldier shall be glaid such pension until the age of sixteen years, said pension, if t ere be no widow entitled, to commence from the date of Bling application therefor after the assage of this Act, and in the event of the death, remarriage, or fiorfeiture of title by _ the widow the dpension to continue to the minor children from the §Q{g{,f,;·_,¤S,n8_,,c_, date of such eath, remarriage, or forfeiture of title: Provided, mi¤<>r¤¤i1<1- That in case a minor child is insane, idiotic, or otherwise perma— nently helpless, the pension shall continue during the life of said child, or during the period of such disability, and such ension shall commence from the date of Bling application therefldr after the Marriages prior ee passage of _this Act: Provided further, That said widow shall have M“’°“ *· l°"· married said soldier prior to March 4, 1917, and this section shall _ apply to a former widow of any soldier who rendered service as Roma-me widows. hereinbefore described, such widow having remarried either once or more after the death of the soldier, if it be shown that such subsequent or successive marriage has or have been dissolved, either by the death of the husband or husbands or by divorce without fault on the part of the wife. Such pension shall commence from date of Bling application therefor in the Bureau of Pensions after the passage of t is Act, and any such former widow shall be entitled to and be paid zzxpension at the rate of $30 a month, and any former widow mention in this section shall also be aid $6 a month for Ranma mamma: each child of the soldier under sixteen years of) age: Provided fur- §§§*§f’“wh,°§m§i‘§pp,‘§ ther, That in case of any widow whose name has been dropped from bv ¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤- the pension roll because of her remarriage, if the pension has been granted to an insane, idiotic, or otherwise helpless child, or to a child or children under the age of sixteen years, she shall not be