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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1403

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SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 320. 1927. 1363 entitled to a renewal of pension under any Act until the ension to such child or children terminates, unless such child or ciiildren be a member or members of her family and cared for by her, and m;f,]fm'“ °*’“S“’° *° upon renewal of pension to such widow payment of pension to such child or children shall cease. _ Sno. 3. The period of service performed by beneficiaries under ,§,}’,§,?’}""‘““"°" °' this Act shall be determined, first, by reports from the records of NYM D¤¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ the lVar Depa1·tment, where there are such records; second, by iiiiiigiai Accounting reports from the records of the General Accounting Office showing °m°"· palyment by the United States, where there is no record of regular- mm or Tmmm, cn istment, or muster into the United States military service; and metres. “ ` third, when there is no record of service or payment for same in the War Department or the General Accounting Ofhce by satisfac- tory evidence from muster rolls on file in the several State or Terri- . torial archives; fourth, where no record of service has been made in aeiigénissiiisiiacfiiirycliii the War Department or General Accounting Ofiice and there is no §,‘{,f_¥;§}*$j{{;{‘*;,cf’ ‘*° muster roll or pay roll on file in the several States or Territorial archives showing service of the applicant, or where the same has been destroyed by fire or otherwise lost, or where there are muster rolls or pay rolls on file in the several State or Territorial archives but the applicant’s name does not appear thereon, the applicant may make proof of service by furnishing evidence satisfactory to the Promo Comm1ssioner of Pensions: Provided, That the want of a certificate eminem or aa- of discharge shall not deprive any applicant of the benefits of this °h“"“”°t°”°“m1‘ Act. . . Sac. 4. From and after the fourth day of the next month after the sai-giitcri. pimms to approval of this Act the rate of pension to surviving soldiers of the various Indian wars and campaigns who are now on the pension roll v.,;_;q,,,_281_ or who may hereafter be laced thereon under the Acts of July 27, Vol.37,p.679;V0l.39, 1892, June 27, 1902, and Ilifay 30, 1908, as amended by the Act of *’·“”9· February 19, 1913, or under the Act of March 4, 1917, shall he $30 per month if sixty-eight years of age, $40 per month if seventy-two _ years of age, and $50 per month if seventy-five years of age, and ,i£2;§’_t° °"d°°° pm" that the rate of ension to the widows who are now on the pension roll or who may lliereafter be placed thereon under the said Acts shall ,,mv,S0 be $30 per month: Provided, however, That nothing in this Act No grésenc pension shall be so construed as to reduce any pension under any law, public Edu'}; ‘ or private, and that hereafter pensions ranted under the Acts referred to in this section shall commence {gem the date of filing of ap lication therefor in the Bureau of Pensions. ,,,0,6,, 5,,cw,,0,,,,_ Sno. 5. No claim agent, attorney or other person shall contract creme claims- for, demand, receive, or retain a ee for service in preparing, pre- senting, or prosecuting claims for the increase of pension provided L,,,,,,,,,0,, in 0,,,,,, for in this Act; and no more than the sum of $10 shall be allowed claim- for such service in other claims thereunder, which sum shall be pay- _ _ able only on the order of the Commissioner of Pensions; and any ,,§§‘,,‘§.,‘j**’“‘°“’ '°' "“* person who shall, directly or indirectly, otherwise contract for, de- mand, receive, or retain a fee for service in reparing, resenting, or prosecuting any claim under this Act, or slial wrongfiilly with- hold from the ensioner or claimant the whole or any part of the pension allowed) or due to such pensioner or claimant under this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall for each and every offense be fined not exceeding $500 or be imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. Approved, March 3, 1927.